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III - Administrative Sensitive

Rules and Groups employed by this XCCDF Profile

  • SRG-APP-000023-DB-000001

  • MySQL Database Server 8.0 must integrate with an organization-level authentication/access mechanism providing account management and automation for all users, groups, roles, and any other principals.

    Enterprise environments make account management for applications and databases challenging and complex. A manual process for account management functions adds the risk of a potential oversight or o...
    Rule High Severity
  • SRG-APP-000001-DB-000031

  • MySQL Database Server 8.0 must limit the number of concurrent sessions to an organization-defined number per user for all accounts and/or account types.

    Database management includes the ability to control the number of users and user sessions utilizing a Database Management System (DBMS). Unlimited concurrent connections to the DBMS could allow a s...
    Rule Medium Severity
  • SRG-APP-000095-DB-000039

  • MySQL Database Server 8.0 must produce audit records containing sufficient information to establish what type of events occurred.

    Information system auditing capability is critical for accurate forensic analysis. Without establishing what type of event occurred, it would be difficult to establish, correlate, and investigate t...
    Rule Medium Severity
  • SRG-APP-000101-DB-000044

  • The MySQL Database Server 8.0 must include additional, more detailed, organizationally defined information in the audit records for audit events identified by type, location, or subject.

    Information system auditing capability is critical for accurate forensic analysis. Reconstruction of harmful events or forensic analysis is not possible if audit records do not contain enough infor...
    Rule Medium Severity
  • SRG-APP-000118-DB-000059

  • The audit information produced by the MySQL Database Server 8.0 must be protected from unauthorized read access.

    If audit data were to become compromised, then competent forensic analysis and discovery of the true source of potentially malicious system activity is difficult, if not impossible, to achieve. In ...
    Rule Medium Severity

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