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Microsoft IIS 10.0 Site Security Technical Implementation Guide
I - Mission Critical Sensitive
I - Mission Critical Sensitive
An XCCDF Profile
44 rules organized in 44 groups
1 Rule
The IIS 10.0 website session state must be enabled.
Medium Severity
When the session information is stored on the client, the session ID, along with the user authorization and identity information, is sent along with each client request and is either stored in a cookie, embedded in the uniform resource locator (URL), or placed in a hidden field on the displayed form. Each of these offers advantages and disadvantages. The biggest disadvantage to all three is the hijacking of a session along with all of the user's credentials. When the user authorization and identity information is stored on the server in a protected and encrypted database, the communication between the client and web server will only send the session identifier, and the server can then retrieve user credentials for the session when needed. If, during transmission, the session were to be hijacked, the user's credentials would not be compromised. ASP.NET provides a session state, which is available as the HttpSessionState class, as a method of storing session-specific information that is visible only within the session. ASP.NET session state identifies requests from the same browser during a limited time window as a session, and provides the ability to persist variable values for the duration of that session.
1 Rule
The IIS 10.0 website session state cookie settings must be configured to Use Cookies mode.
Medium Severity
When the session information is stored on the client, the session ID, along with the user authorization and identity information, is sent along with each client request and is stored in either a cookie, embedded in the uniform resource locator (URL), or placed in a hidden field on the displayed form. Each of these offers advantages and disadvantages. The biggest disadvantage to all three is the hijacking of a session along with all of the user's credentials. When the user authorization and identity information is stored on the server in a protected and encrypted database, the communication between the client and website will only send the session identifier, and the server can then retrieve user credentials for the session when needed. If, during transmission, the session were to be hijacked, the user's credentials would not be compromised. ASP.NET provides a session state, which is available as the HttpSessionState class, as a method of storing session-specific information visible only within the session. ASP.NET session state identifies requests from the same browser during a limited time window as a session and provides the ability to persist variable values for the duration of that session. When using the URI mode for cookie settings under session state, IIS will reject and reissue session IDs that do not have active sessions. Configuring IIS to expire session IDs and regenerate tokens gives a potential attacker less time to capture a cookie and gain access to server content.
1 Rule
A private IIS 10.0 website must only accept Secure Socket Layer (SSL) connections.
Medium Severity
Transport Layer Security (TLS) encryption is a required security setting for a private web server. Encryption of private information is essential to ensuring data confidentiality. If private information is not encrypted, it can be intercepted and easily read by an unauthorized party. A private web server must use a FIPS 140-2-approved TLS version, and all non-FIPS-approved SSL versions must be disabled. NIST SP 800-52 specifies the preferred configurations for government systems.
1 Rule
A public IIS 10.0 website must only accept Secure Socket Layer (SSL) connections when authentication is required.
Medium Severity
Transport Layer Security (TLS) encryption is a required security setting for a private web server. Encryption of private information is essential to ensuring data confidentiality. If private information is not encrypted, it can be intercepted and easily read by an unauthorized party. A private web server must use a FIPS 140-2-approved TLS version, and all non-FIPS-approved SSL versions must be disabled. NIST SP 800-52 specifies the preferred configurations for government systems.
1 Rule
Both the log file and Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) for each IIS 10.0 website must be enabled.
Medium Severity
Internet Information Services (IIS) on Windows Server 2012 provides basic logging capabilities. However, because IIS takes some time to flush logs to disk, administrators do not have access to logging information in real-time. In addition, text-based log files can be difficult and time-consuming to process. In IIS 10.0, the administrator has the option of sending logging information to Event Tracing for Windows (ETW). This option gives the administrator the ability to use standard query tools, or create custom tools, for viewing real-time logging information in ETW. This provides a significant advantage over parsing text-based log files that are not updated in real time. Satisfies: SRG-APP-000092-WSR-000055, SRG-APP-000108-WSR-000166
1 Rule
An IIS 10.0 website behind a load balancer or proxy server must produce log records containing the source client IP, and destination information.
Medium Severity
Web server logging capability is critical for accurate forensic analysis. Without sufficient and accurate information, a correct replay of the events cannot be determined. Ascertaining the correct source (e.g., source IP), of the events is important during forensic analysis. Correctly determining the source of events will add information to the overall reconstruction of the loggable event. By determining the source of the event correctly, analysis of the enterprise can be undertaken to determine if events tied to the source occurred in other areas within the enterprise. A web server behind a load balancer or proxy server, when not configured correctly, will record the load balancer or proxy server as the source of every loggable event. When looking at the information forensically, this information is not helpful in the investigation of events. The web server must record with each event the client source of the event.
1 Rule
The IIS 10.0 website must produce log records that contain sufficient information to establish the outcome (success or failure) of IIS 10.0 website events.
Medium Severity
Web server logging capability is critical for accurate forensic analysis. Without sufficient and accurate information, a correct replay of the events cannot be determined. Ascertaining the success or failure of an event is important during forensic analysis. Correctly determining the outcome will add information to the overall reconstruction of the loggable event. By determining the success or failure of the event correctly, analysis of the enterprise can be undertaken to determine if events tied to the event occurred in other areas within the enterprise. Without sufficient information establishing the success or failure of the logged event, investigation into the cause of event is severely hindered. The success or failure also provides a means to measure the impact of an event and help authorized personnel to determine the appropriate response. Log record content that may be necessary to satisfy the requirement of this control includes, but is not limited to, time stamps, source and destination IP addresses, user/process identifiers, event descriptions, application-specific events, success/fail indications, file names involved, access control, or flow control rules invoked.
1 Rule
The IIS 10.0 website must produce log records containing sufficient information to establish the identity of any user/subject or process associated with an event.
Medium Severity
Web server logging capability is critical for accurate forensic analysis. Without sufficient and accurate information, a correct replay of the events cannot be determined. Determining user accounts, processes running on behalf of the user, and running process identifiers also enable a better understanding of the overall event. User tool identification is also helpful to determine if events are related to overall user access or specific client tools. Log record content that may be necessary to satisfy the requirement of this control includes: time stamps, source and destination addresses, user/process identifiers, event descriptions, success/fail indications, file names involved, and access control or flow control rules invoked.
1 Rule
The IIS 10.0 website must have Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) that invoke OS shell programs disabled.
Medium Severity
Controlling what a user of a hosted application can access is part of the security posture of the web server. Any time a user can access more functionality than is needed for the operation of the hosted application poses a security issue. A user with too much access can view information that is not needed for the user's job role, or could use the function in an unintentional manner. A MIME tells the web server what type of program various file types and extensions are and what external utilities or programs are needed to execute the file type. A shell is a program that serves as the basic interface between the user and the operating system, so hosted application users must not have access to these programs. Shell programs may execute shell escapes and can then perform unauthorized activities that could damage the security posture of the web server.
1 Rule
Mappings to unused and vulnerable scripts on the IIS 10.0 website must be removed.
Medium Severity
IIS 10.0 will either allow or deny script execution based on file extension. The ability to control script execution is controlled through two features with IIS 10.0, Request Filtering and Handler Mappings. For Handler Mappings, the ISSO must document and approve all allowable file extensions the website allows (white list) and denies (black list). The white list and black list will be compared to the Handler Mappings in IIS 8. Handler Mappings at the site level take precedence over Handler Mappings at the server level.
1 Rule
The IIS 10.0 website must have resource mappings set to disable the serving of certain file types.
Medium Severity
IIS 10.0 will either allow or deny script execution based on file extension. The ability to control script execution is controlled through two features with IIS 10.0, Request Filtering and Handler Mappings. For Request Filtering, the ISSO must document and approve all allowable file extensions the website allows (white list) and denies (black list) by the website. The white list and black list will be compared to the Request Filtering in IIS 10.0. Request Filtering at the site level take precedence over Request Filtering at the server level.
1 Rule
The IIS 10.0 website must have Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) disabled.
Medium Severity
A web server can be installed with functionality that by its nature is not secure. Web Distributed Authoring (WebDAV) is an extension to the HTTP protocol that, when developed, was meant to allow users to create, change, and move documents on a server, typically a web server or web share. Allowing this functionality, development, and deployment is much easier for web authors. WebDAV is not widely used and has serious security concerns because it may allow clients to modify unauthorized files on the web server.
1 Rule
Each IIS 10.0 website must be assigned a default host header.
Medium Severity
The web server must be configured to listen on a specified IP address and port. Without specifying an IP address and port for the web server to use, the web server will listen on all IP addresses available to the hosting server. If the web server has multiple IP addresses, i.e., a management IP address, the web server will also accept connections on the management IP address. Accessing the hosted application through an IP address normally used for non-application functions opens the possibility of user access to resources, utilities, files, ports, and protocols that are protected on the desired application IP address.
1 Rule
A private IIS 10.0 website authentication mechanism must use client certificates to transmit session identifier to assure integrity.
Medium Severity
A DoD private website must use PKI as an authentication mechanism for web users. Information systems residing behind web servers requiring authorization based on individual identity must use the identity provided by certificate-based authentication to support access control decisions. Not using client certificates allows an attacker unauthenticated access to private websites. Satisfies: SRG-APP-000172-WSR-000104, SRG-APP-000224-WSR-000135, SRG-APP-000427-WSR-000186
1 Rule
Anonymous IIS 10.0 website access accounts must be restricted.
High Severity
Many of the security problems that occur are not the result of a user gaining access to files or data for which the user does not have permissions, but rather users are assigned incorrect permissions to unauthorized data. The files, directories, and data stored on the web server must be evaluated and a determination made concerning authorized access to information and programs on the server. Only authorized users and administrative accounts will be allowed on the host server in order to maintain the web server, applications, and review the server operations.
1 Rule
The IIS 10.0 website must generate unique session identifiers that cannot be reliably reproduced.
Medium Severity
Communication between a client and the web server is done using the HTTP protocol, but HTTP is a stateless protocol. To maintain a connection or session, a web server will generate a session identifier (ID) for each client session when the session is initiated. The session ID allows the web server to track a user session and, in many cases, the user, if the user previously logged into a hosted application. By being able to guess session IDs, an attacker can easily perform a man-in-the-middle attack. To truly generate random session identifiers that cannot be reproduced, the web server session ID generator, when used twice with the same input criteria, must generate an unrelated random ID. The session ID generator must be a FIPS 140-2-approved generator.
1 Rule
The IIS 10.0 website document directory must be in a separate partition from the IIS 10.0 websites system files.
Medium Severity
The content database is accessed by multiple anonymous users when the web server is in production. By locating the content database on the same partition as the web server system file, the risk for unauthorized access to these protected files is increased. Additionally, having the content database path on the same drive as the system folders also increases the potential for a drive space exhaustion attack.
1 Rule
The IIS 10.0 website must be configured to limit the maxURL.
Medium Severity
Request filtering replaces URLScan in IIS, enabling administrators to create a more granular rule set with which to allow or reject inbound web content. By setting limits on web requests, it helps to ensure availability of web services and may also help mitigate the risk of buffer overflow type attacks. The MaxURL Request Filter limits the number of bytes the server will accept in a URL.
1 Rule
The IIS 10.0 website must be configured to limit the size of web requests.
Medium Severity
By setting limits on web requests, it ensures availability of web services and mitigates the risk of buffer overflow type attacks. The maxAllowedContentLength Request Filter limits the number of bytes the server will accept in a request.
1 Rule
The IIS 10.0 websites Maximum Query String limit must be configured.
Medium Severity
Setting limits on web requests helps to ensure availability of web services and may also help mitigate the risk of buffer overflow type attacks. The Maximum Query String Request Filter describes the upper limit on allowable query string lengths. Upon exceeding the configured value, IIS will generate a Status Code 404.15.
1 Rule
Non-ASCII characters in URLs must be prohibited by any IIS 10.0 website.
Medium Severity
Setting limits on web requests ensures availability of web services and mitigates the risk of buffer overflow type attacks. The allow high-bit characters Request Filter enables rejection of requests containing non-ASCII characters.
1 Rule
Double encoded URL requests must be prohibited by any IIS 10.0 website.
Medium Severity
Request filtering enables administrators to create a more granular rule set with which to allow or reject inbound web content. Setting limits on web requests ensures availability of web services and mitigates the risk of buffer overflow type attacks. When the "Allow double escaping" option is disabled, it prevents attacks that rely on double-encoded requests.
1 Rule
Unlisted file extensions in URL requests must be filtered by any IIS 10.0 website.
Medium Severity
Request filtering enables administrators to create a more granular rule set to allow or reject inbound web content. Setting limits on web requests helps to ensure availability of web services and may also help mitigate the risk of buffer overflow type attacks. The allow unlisted property of the "File Extensions Request" filter enables rejection of requests containing specific file extensions not defined in the "File Extensions" filter. Tripping this filter will cause IIS to generate a Status Code 404.7.
1 Rule
Directory Browsing on the IIS 10.0 website must be disabled.
Medium Severity
Directory browsing allows the contents of a directory to be displayed upon request from a web client. If directory browsing is enabled for a directory in IIS, users could receive a web page listing the contents of the directory. If directory browsing is enabled the risk of inadvertently disclosing sensitive content is increased.
1 Rule
Warning and error messages displayed to clients must be modified to minimize the identity of the IIS 10.0 website, patches, loaded modules, and directory paths.
Medium Severity
HTTP error pages contain information that could enable an attacker to gain access to an information system. Failure to prevent the sending of HTTP error pages with full information to remote requesters exposes internal configuration information to potential attackers.
1 Rule
Debugging and trace information used to diagnose the IIS 10.0 website must be disabled.
Medium Severity
Setting compilation debug to false ensures detailed error information does not inadvertently display during live application usage, mitigating the risk of application information being displayed to users.
1 Rule
The Idle Time-out monitor for each IIS 10.0 website must be enabled.
Medium Severity
The idle time-out attribute controls the amount of time a worker process will remain idle before it shuts down. A worker process is idle if it is not processing requests and no new requests are received. The purpose of this attribute is to conserve system resources; the default value for idle time-out is 20 minutes. By default, the World Wide Web (WWW) service establishes an overlapped recycle, in which the worker process to be shut down is kept running until after a new worker process is started.
1 Rule
The IIS 10.0 websites connectionTimeout setting must be explicitly configured to disconnect an idle session.
Medium Severity
Leaving sessions open indefinitely is a major security risk. An attacker can easily use an already authenticated session to access the hosted application as the previously authenticated user. By closing sessions after a set period of inactivity, the web server can make certain that those sessions that are not closed through the user logging out of an application are eventually closed. Acceptable values are 5 minutes for high-value applications, 10 minutes for medium-value applications, and 15 minutes for low-value applications.
1 Rule
The IIS 10.0 website must provide the capability to immediately disconnect or disable remote access to the hosted applications.
Medium Severity
During an attack on the web server or any of the hosted applications, the system administrator may need to disconnect or disable access by users to stop the attack. The web server must provide a capability to disconnect users to a hosted application without compromising other hosted applications unless deemed necessary to stop the attack. Methods to disconnect or disable connections are to stop the application service for a specified hosted application, stop the web server, or block all connections through web server access list. The web server capabilities used to disconnect or disable users from connecting to hosted applications and the web server must be documented to make certain that during an attack, the proper action is taken to conserve connectivity to any other hosted application if possible and to make certain log data is conserved for later forensic analysis.
1 Rule
The IIS 10.0 website must use a logging mechanism configured to allocate log record storage capacity large enough to accommodate the logging requirements of the IIS 10.0 website.
Medium Severity
To make certain the logging mechanism used by the web server has sufficient storage capacity in which to write the logs, the logging mechanism must be able to allocate log record storage capacity. The task of allocating log record storage capacity is usually performed during initial installation of the logging mechanism. The system administrator will usually coordinate the allocation of physical drive space with the web server administrator along with the physical location of the partition and disk. Refer to NIST SP 800-92 for specific requirements on log rotation and storage dependent on the impact of the web server.
1 Rule
The IIS 10.0 websites must use ports, protocols, and services according to Ports, Protocols, and Services Management (PPSM) guidelines.
Medium Severity
Web servers provide numerous processes, features, and functionalities that use TCP/IP ports. Some of these processes may be deemed unnecessary or too unsecure to run on a production system. The web server must provide the capability to disable or deactivate network-related services deemed to be non-essential to the server mission, too unsecure, or prohibited by the PPSM CAL and vulnerability assessments. Failure to comply with DoD ports, protocols, and services (PPS) requirements can result in compromise of enclave boundary protections and/or functionality of the AIS. The ISSM will ensure web servers are configured to use only authorized PPS in accordance with the Network Infrastructure STIG, DoD Instruction 8551.1, PPSM, and the associated PPS Assurance Category Assignments List.
1 Rule
The IIS 10.0 website must only accept client certificates issued by DoD PKI or DoD-approved PKI Certification Authorities (CAs).
Medium Severity
The use of a DoD PKI certificate ensures clients the private website they are connecting to is legitimate, and is an essential part of the DoD defense-in-depth strategy.
1 Rule
The IIS 10.0 private website must employ cryptographic mechanisms (TLS) and require client certificates.
Medium Severity
TLS encryption is a required security setting for a private web server. Encryption of private information is essential to ensuring data confidentiality. If private information is not encrypted, it can be intercepted and easily read by an unauthorized party. A private web server must use a FIPS 140-2-approved TLS version, and all non-FIPS-approved SSL versions must be disabled. NIST SP 800-52 specifies the preferred configurations for government systems.
1 Rule
IIS 10.0 website session IDs must be sent to the client using TLS.
Medium Severity
The HTTP protocol is a stateless protocol. To maintain a session, a session identifier is used. The session identifier is a piece of data used to identify a session and a user. If the session identifier is compromised by an attacker, the session can be hijacked. By encrypting the session identifier, the identifier becomes more difficult for an attacker to hijack, decrypt, and use before the session has expired.
1 Rule
Cookies exchanged between the IIS 10.0 website and the client must have cookie properties set to prohibit client-side scripts from reading the cookie data.
Medium Severity
A cookie can be read by client-side scripts easily if cookie properties are not set properly. By allowing cookies to be read by the client-side scripts, information such as session identifiers could be compromised and used by an attacker who intercepts the cookie. Setting cookie properties (i.e., HttpOnly property) to disallow client-side scripts from reading cookies better protects the information inside the cookie. Satisfies: SRG-APP-000439-WSR-000154, SRG-APP-000439-SSR-000155, SRG-APP-000439-WSR-000153
1 Rule
The IIS 10.0 website must have a unique application pool.
Medium Severity
Application pools isolate sites and applications to address reliability, availability, and security issues. Sites and applications may be grouped according to configurations, although each site will be associated with a unique application pool.
1 Rule
The maximum number of requests an application pool can process for each IIS 10.0 website must be explicitly set.
Medium Severity
IIS application pools can be periodically recycled to avoid unstable states possibly leading to application crashes, hangs, or memory leaks. By default, application pool recycling is overlapped, which means the worker process to be shut down is kept running until after a new worker process is started. After a new worker process starts, new requests are passed to it. The old worker process shuts down after it finishes processing its existing requests, or after a configured time-out, whichever comes first. This way of recycling ensures uninterrupted service to clients.
1 Rule
The application pool for each IIS 10.0 website must have a recycle time explicitly set.
Medium Severity
Application pools can be periodically recycled to avoid unstable states possibly leading to application crashes, hangs, or memory leaks.
1 Rule
The application pools rapid fail protection for each IIS 10.0 website must be enabled.
Medium Severity
Rapid fail protection is a feature that interrogates the health of worker processes associated with websites and web applications. It can be configured to perform a number of actions such as shutting down and restarting worker processes that have reached failure thresholds. By not setting rapid fail protection, the web server could become unstable in the event of a worker process crash potentially leaving the web server unusable.
1 Rule
The application pools rapid fail protection settings for each IIS 10.0 website must be managed.
Medium Severity
Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) manages application pool configuration and may flag a worker process as unhealthy and shut it down. The rapid fail protection must be set to a suitable value. A lack of response from the worker process might mean the worker process does not have a thread to respond to the ping request, or that it is hanging for some other reason. The ping interval and ping response time may need adjustment to gain access to timely information about application pool health without triggering false, unhealthy conditions.
1 Rule
Interactive scripts on the IIS 10.0 web server must be located in unique and designated folders.
Medium Severity
CGI and ASP scripts represent one of the most common and exploitable means of compromising a web server. All CGI and ASP program files must be segregated into their own unique folder to simplify the protection of these files. ASP scripts must be placed into a unique folder only containing other ASP scripts. JAVA and other technology-specific scripts must also be placed into their own unique folders. The placement of CGI, ASP, or equivalent scripts to special folders gives the Web Manager or the System Administrator (SA) control over what goes into those folders and to facilitate access control at the folder level.
1 Rule
Interactive scripts on the IIS 10.0 web server must have restrictive access controls.
Medium Severity
CGI is a programming standard for interfacing external applications with information servers, such as HTTP or web servers. CGI, represented by all upper case letters, should not be confused with the .cgi file extension. The .cgi file extension does represent a CGI script, but CGI scripts may be written in a number of programming languages (e.g., PERL, C, PHP, and JavaScript), each having their own unique file extension. The use of CGI scripts represent one of the most common and exploitable means of compromising a web server. By definition, CGI scripts are executable by the operating system of the host server. While access control is provided via the web service, the execution of CGI programs is not limited unless the System Administrator (SA) or the Web Manager takes specific measures. CGI programs can access and alter data files, launch other programs, and use the network.
1 Rule
Backup interactive scripts on the IIS 10.0 server must be removed.
Medium Severity
Copies of backup files will not execute on the server, but they can be read by the anonymous user if special precautions are not taken. Such backup copies contain the same sensitive information as the actual script being executed and, as such, are useful to malicious users. Techniques and systems exist today to search web servers for such files and are able to exploit the information contained in them.
1 Rule
The required DoD banner page must be displayed to authenticated users accessing a DoD private website.
Medium Severity
A consent banner will be in place to inform prospective entrants the website they are about to enter is a DoD website and their activity is subject to monitoring. The document, DoDI 8500.01, establishes the policy on the use of DoD information systems. It requires the use of a standard Notice and Consent Banner and standard text to be included in user agreements. The requirement for the banner is for websites with security and access controls. These are restricted and not publicly accessible. If the website does not require authentication/authorization for use, then the banner does not need to be present. A manual check of the document root directory for a banner page file (such as banner.html) or navigation to the website via a browser can be used to confirm the information provided from interviewing the web staff.