No profile (default benchmark)
Rules and Groups employed by this XCCDF Profile
Group -
The Juniper EX switch must be configured to uniquely identify all network-connected endpoint devices before establishing any connection.
Controlling LAN access via 802.1x authentication can assist in preventing a malicious user from connecting an unauthorized PC to an access interface to inject or receive data from the network witho...Rule High Severity -
Group -
The Juniper layer 2 switch must be configured to disable all dynamic VLAN registration protocols.
Dynamic VLAN registration protocols provide centralized management of VLAN domains, which can reduce administration in a switched network. Interfaces are assigned to VLANs and the VLAN is dynamical...Rule Medium Severity -
Group -
The Juniper EX switch must be configured to manage excess bandwidth to limit the effects of packet flooding types of denial-of-service (DoS) attacks.
DoS attacks can be mitigated by ensuring sufficient capacity is available for mission-critical traffic. Managing capacity may include, for example, establishing selected network usage priorities or...Rule Medium Severity -
Group -
The Juniper EX switch must be configured to permit authorized users to select a user session to capture.
Without the capability to select a user session to capture/record or view/hear, investigations into suspicious or harmful events would be hampered by the volume of information captured. The volume ...Rule Medium Severity -
Group -
The Juniper EX switch must be configured to permit authorized users to remotely view, in real time, all content related to an established user session from a component separate from the layer 2 switch.
Without the capability to remotely view/hear all content related to a user session, investigations into suspicious user activity would be hampered. Real-time monitoring allows authorized personnel ...Rule Medium Severity
Node 2
The content of the drawer really is up to you. It could have form fields, definition lists, text lists, labels, charts, progress bars, etc. Spacing recommendation is 24px margins. You can put tabs in here, and can also make the drawer scrollable.