The Horizon Connection Server must perform full path validation on server-to-server TLS connection certificates.
The Horizon Connection Server performs certificate revocation checking on its own certificate and on those of the security servers paired to it. Each instance also checks the certificates of vCenter and View Composer servers whenever it establishes a connection to them. If a SAML 2.0 authenticator is configured for use by a Connection Server instance, the Connection Server also performs certificate revocation checking on the SAML 2.0 server certificate. By default, all certificates in the chain are checked except the root certificate. This must be changed so that the full path, including the root, is validated.
- ID
- SV-246891r768633_rule
- Version
- HRZV-7X-000010
- Severity
- Medium
- References
- Updated
Remediation Templates
A Manual Procedure
On the Horizon Connection Server, launch the Registry Editor. Traverse the registry tree to "HKLM\Software\VMware, Inc.\VMware VDM\Security".
If the "CertificateRevocationCheckType" key exists:
Right click "CertificateRevocationCheckType", select "Modify..." and set the value to "3" (without quotes). Click "OK".