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The Infoblox NIOS version must be at the appropriate version.



Infoblox NIOS is updated on a regular basis to add feature support, implement bug fixes, and address security vulnerabilities. NIOS is a hardened system with no direct user access to the software components. The review of security vulnerabilities such as MITRE Common Vulnerabilities and Exposure (CVE) can be accomplished by review of the running system NIOS version and published security information. Review of specific or individual software component versions within NIOS is not sufficient validation, as Infoblox modifies these software components and may or may not be subject to vulnerabilities that exist in unmodified publicly available source code. Infoblox may support multiple versions of NIOS, each of which may address the same security vulnerability at different patch releases. It is not necessary for an Infoblox customer to run the highest possible version, rather they should run the supported version applicable to their environment and ensure it is patched to address all known vulnerabilities. Infoblox publishes security information within each NIOS version release notes and on the Infoblox Support Knowledge Base. Infoblox customers can also use the support portal to validate security questions and applicability of vulnerabilities.


Remediation Templates

A Manual Procedure

Log on to the support site and download the current version of NIOS and perform a Grid upgrade.

Refer to the Infoblox NIOS Administration Guide if necessary.