The MQ Appliance must disable identifiers (individuals, groups, roles, and devices) after 35 days of inactivity.
Inactive identifiers pose a risk to systems and applications. Attackers that are able to exploit an inactive identifier can potentially obtain and maintain undetected access to the application. Owners of inactive accounts will not notice if unauthorized access to their user account has been obtained. Applications need to track periods of inactivity and disable application identifiers after 35 days of inactivity. Management of user identifiers is not applicable to shared information system accounts (e.g., guest and anonymous accounts). It is commonly the case that a user account is the name of an information system account associated with an individual. To avoid having to build complex user management capabilities directly into their application, wise developers leverage the underlying OS or other user account management infrastructure (AD, LDAP) that is already in place within the organization and meets organizational user account management requirements. Review IBM product documentation for the LDAP fields required when setting up a communication link with the LDAP server. Note: Multiple alternative LDAP hosts may be listed in the CONNAME parameter, separated by commas. Review IBM product documentation for the LDAP fields required when setting up a communication link with the LDAP server. See and for a detailed description of these options.
- ID
- SV-89577r1_rule
- Version
- MQMH-AS-001080
- Severity
- Medium
- References
- Updated
Remediation Templates
A Manual Procedure
Specify LDAP as the authentication method for each queue manager.
To access the MQ Appliance CLI, enter:
runmqsc [queue manager name]