The HP FlexFabric Switch must notify the administrator, upon successful logon (access), of the location of last logon (terminal or IP address) in addition to the date and time of the last logon (access).
Administrators need to be aware of activity that occurs regarding their account. Providing them with information deemed important by the organization may aid in the discovery of unauthorized access or thwart a potential attacker. Organizations should consider the risks to the specific information system being accessed and the threats presented by the device to the environment when configuring this option. An excessive or unnecessary amount of information presented to the administrator at logon is not recommended.
- ID
- SV-80727r1_rule
- Version
- HFFS-ND-000093
- Severity
- Medium
- References
- Updated
Remediation Templates
A Manual Procedure
Configure the HP FlexFabric Switch to notify the administrator upon successful logon of the location of last logon (terminal or IP address).
[HP] password-control enabled