Configure the CA API Gateway to employ RADIUS + LDAPS or LDAPS to centrally manage authentication settings.
- RADIUS server (for the RADIUS+LDAPS configuration)
- LDAPS server with posixAccount objects for user logins- LDAPS server CA certificate available via HTTP at a specific URL
- LDAP account for the SSG to bind and lookup info
- posixUser object within LDAP contain object (OU)
- All SSG LDAP posixAccount objects are filtered either by a fixed gidNumber or by membership in an LDAP group containing a sequence of memberUid attributes, one for each user.
Configure SSG to use LDAPS.
- SSH to SSG as a member of ssgconfig
- Select: 1) Configure system settings, 4) Configure authentication method.
- Select: 2) ldap.
- Walk through configuration steps, providing requisite information ensuring:
- Select LDAPS (secure) "y".
- Select the appropriate TLS port (636 is the default).
- Disable anonymous bind.
- Specify the URL containing the PEM of the CA certificate to download.
- Specify that the SSG LDAP client "demand" the server's certificate.
- Set the user filter to use either a specific gidNumber or a group DN.
- Set the posixAccount attribute to use as login name (uid).
Confirmation configuration should be approximately:
Authentication Type: LDAP_ONLY
Label | Value
Secure | true
ActiveDirectory | false
Server |
BaseDn | dc=l7tech,dc=com
Port | 636
AnonymousBind | false
BindDn | cn=Manager,dc=l7tech,dc=com
BindPassword | <Hidden>
Object for finding the password for users | ou=posixAccounts
Object class name of users in the LDAP | posixAccount
Server CaCert File | /etc/openldap/cacerts/ldapcacert
Certificate Action | DEMAND
GroupDn | cn=ssgconfig_ldap,ou=posixGroups,dc=l7tech,dc=com
PAM login attribute | uid
Finally, apply configuration and restart the SSG.
Configure SSG to use RADIUS+LDAPS.
- SSH to SSG as ssgconfig.
- Select: 1) Configure system settings, 4) Configure authentication method.
- Select: 4) ldap_radius.
- Walk through configuration steps, providing requisite information ensuring:
- Enter the RADIUS server's address and secret.
- Complete the LDAP questions as for the LDAPS only case (above).
Confirmation configuration should be approximately:
Authentication Type: RADIUS_WITH_LDAP
Label | Value
Server |
Secret | <Hidden>
Timeout | 3
Label | Value
Secure | true
ActiveDirectory | false
Server |
BaseDn | dc=l7tech,dc=com
Port | 636
AnonymousBind | false
BindDn | cn=Manager,dc=l7tech,dc=com
BindPassword | <Hidden>
Object for finding the password for users | ou=posixAccounts
Object class name of users in the LDAP | posixAccount
Server CaCert Url | http://localhost:8080/cert
Certificate Action | DEMAND
GroupDn | cn=ssgconfig_ldap,ou=posixGroups,dc=l7tech,dc=com
PAM login attribute | uid