Uninstall talk Package
The talk
package contains the client program for the
Internet talk protocol, which allows the user to chat with other users on
different systems. Talk is a communication program which copies lines from one
terminal to the terminal of another user.
The talk
package can be removed with the following command:
$ sudo zypper remove talk
The talk software presents a security risk as it uses unencrypted protocols
for communications. Removing the talk
package decreases the
risk of the accidental (or intentional) activation of talk client program.
- ID
- xccdf_org.ssgproject.content_rule_package_talk_removed
- Severity
- Medium
- References
- Updated
Remediation - Puppet
include remove_talk
class remove_talk {
package { 'talk':
ensure => 'purged',
Remediation - Ansible
- name: Ensure talk is removed
name: talk
state: absent
- CCE-91456-4
Remediation - Shell Script
# CAUTION: This remediation script will remove talk
# from the system, and may remove any packages
# that depend on talk. Execute this
# remediation AFTER testing on a non-production
# system!