Disable Apache Qpid (qpidd)
The qpidd
service provides high speed, secure,
guaranteed delivery services. It is an implementation of the Advanced Message
Queuing Protocol. By default the qpidd service will bind to port 5672 and
listen for connection attempts.
The qpidd
service can be disabled with the following command:
$ sudo systemctl mask --now qpidd.service
The qpidd service is automatically installed when the base
selection is selected during installation. The qpidd service listens for
network connections, which increases the attack surface of the system. If
the system is not intended to receive AMQP traffic, then the qpidd
service is not needed and should be disabled or removed.
- ID
- xccdf_org.ssgproject.content_rule_service_qpidd_disabled
- Severity
- Low
- References
- Updated
Remediation - Ansible
- name: Disable Apache Qpid (qpidd) - Collect systemd Services Present in the System
ansible.builtin.command: systemctl -q list-unit-files --type service
register: service_exists
changed_when: false
failed_when: service_exists.rc not in [0, 1]
check_mode: false
Remediation - OS Build Blueprint
masked = ["qpidd"]
Remediation - Puppet
include disable_qpidd
class disable_qpidd {
service {'qpidd':
enable => false,
ensure => 'stopped',