Without cryptographic integrity protections, system executables and files can be altered by
unauthorized users without detection. The RPM package management system can check the hashes
of installed software packages, including many that are important to system security.
To verify that the cryptographic hash of system files and commands matches vendor values, run
the following command to list which files on the system have hashes that differ from what is
expected by the RPM database:
$ rpm -Va --noconfig | grep '^..5'
If the file was not expected to change, investigate the cause of the change using audit logs
or other means. The package can then be reinstalled to restore the file. Run the following
command to determine which package owns the file:
$ rpm -qf FILENAME
The package can be reinstalled from a dnf repository using the command:
$ sudo dnf reinstall PACKAGENAME
Alternatively, the package can be reinstalled from trusted media using the command:
$ sudo rpm -Uvh PACKAGENAME