If an account is configured for password authentication
but does not have an assigned password, it may be possible to log
into the account without authentication. Remove any instances of the
nullok in
/etc/pam.d/system-auth and
to prevent logins with empty passwords.
warning alert:
If the system relies on authselect tool to manage PAM settings, the remediation
will also use authselect tool. However, if any manual modification was made in
PAM files, the authselect integrity check will fail and the remediation will be
aborted in order to preserve intentional changes. In this case, an informative message will
be shown in the remediation report.
Note that this rule is not applicable for systems running within a
container. Having user with empty password within a container is not
considered a risk, because it should not be possible to directly login into
a container anyway.
If an account has an empty password, anyone could log in and
run commands with the privileges of that account. Accounts with
empty passwords should never be used in operational environments.
ISA-62443-2-1-2009, Security for Industrial Automation and Control Systems Part 2-1: Establishing an Industrial Automation and Control Systems Security Program
# Remediation is applicable only in certain platforms
if rpm --quiet -q kernel; then
if [ -f /usr/bin/authselect ]; then
if ! authselect check; then
echo "
authselect integrity check failed. Remediation aborted!
This remediation could not be applied because an authselect profile was not selected or the selected profile is not intact.
It is not recommended to manually edit the PAM files when authselect tool is available.
In cases where the default authselect profile does not cover a specific demand, a custom authselect profile is recommended."
exit 1
authselect enable-feature without-nullok
authselect apply-changes -b
if grep -qP "^\s*auth\s+sufficient\s+pam_unix.so\s.*\bnullok\b" "/etc/pam.d/system-auth"; then
sed -i -E --follow-symlinks "s/(.*auth.*sufficient.*pam_unix.so.*)\snullok=?[[:alnum:]]*(.*)/\1\2/g" "/etc/pam.d/system-auth"
if grep -qP "^\s*password\s+sufficient\s+pam_unix.so\s.*\bnullok\b" "/etc/pam.d/system-auth"; then
sed -i -E --follow-symlinks "s/(.*password.*sufficient.*pam_unix.so.*)\snullok=?[[:alnum:]]*(.*)/\1\2/g" "/etc/pam.d/system-auth"
if grep -qP "^\s*auth\s+sufficient\s+pam_unix.so\s.*\bnullok\b" "/etc/pam.d/password-auth"; then
sed -i -E --follow-symlinks "s/(.*auth.*sufficient.*pam_unix.so.*)\snullok=?[[:alnum:]]*(.*)/\1\2/g" "/etc/pam.d/password-auth"
if grep -qP "^\s*password\s+sufficient\s+pam_unix.so\s.*\bnullok\b" "/etc/pam.d/password-auth"; then
sed -i -E --follow-symlinks "s/(.*password.*sufficient.*pam_unix.so.*)\snullok=?[[:alnum:]]*(.*)/\1\2/g" "/etc/pam.d/password-auth"
>&2 echo 'Remediation is not applicable, nothing was done'