Ensure that CICS System Initialization Table (SIT) parameter values are specified using the following guidance.
The system initialization parameters are processed in the following order, with later system initialization parameter values overriding those specified earlier. CICS system initialization parameters are specified in the following ways:
In the system initialization table, loaded from a library in the STEPLIB concatenation of the CICS startup procedure.
In the PARM parameter of the EXEC PGM=DFHSIP statement of the CICS startup procedure. In the SYSIN data set defined in the startup procedure (but only if SYSIN is coded in the PARM parameter).
SEC=YES - If SEC is not coded in the CICS region startup JCL, go to offset x'117' from the beginning on the SIT dump (record sequence number - 6) for a length of 1. This is the security byte flag. Below are is the hex and bit settings for this flag.
X'80' EQU B'10000000' External Security Requested <<===
X'40' EQU B'01000000' Resource Prefix Required
X'10' EQU B'00010000' RACLIST class APPCLU required
X'08' EQU B'00001000' ESM INSTLN data is required
X'04' EQU B'00000100' Surrogate User Checking required
X'02' EQU B'00000010' Always enact resource check
X'01' EQU B'00000001' Always enact command check
DFLTUSER=<parameter> - If DFLTUSER is not coded in the CICS region startup JCL, go to offset x'118' from the beginning on the SIT dump (record sequence number - 6) for a length of 8 bytes. The value will be the CICS default userid.
XUSER=YES - If XUSER is not coded in the CICS region startup JCL, go to offset x'117' from the beginning on the SIT dump (record sequence number - 6) for a length of 1. This is the security byte flag. Below is the hex and bit settings for this flag.
X'80' EQU B'10000000' External Security Requested
X'40' EQU B'01000000' Resource Prefix Required
X'10' EQU B'00010000' RACLIST class APPCLU required
X'08' EQU B'00001000' ESM INSTLN data is required
X'04' EQU B'00000100' Surrogate User Checking required <<===
X'02' EQU B'00000010' Always enact resource check
X'01' EQU B'00000001' Always enact command check
If SNSCOPE is not coded in the CICS region startup JCL, go to offset x'124' from the beginning on the SIT dump (record sequence number - 6) for a length of 1. This is the signon scope byte flag. Ensure that users cannot sign on to more than one CICS production region within the scope of a single CICS region, a single z/OS image, or a sysplex. Below are the hex settings for this flag:
Note: SNSCOPE=NONE is only allowed with test/development regions.
XTRAN=YES|ssrrTRN - If XTRAN is not coded in the CICS region startup JCL, go to offset x'CA' from the beginning on the SIT dump (record sequence number - 6) for a length of 7 bytes. The value will be the resource class name used for that region. If XTRAN=YES is coded, c'CICSTRN' will be present.
SECPRFX=YES - If SECPRFX is not coded in the CICS region startup JCL, go to offset x'117' from the beginning on the SIT dump (record sequence number - 6) for a length of 1. This is the security byte flag. Below are the hex and bit settings for this flag with the resource prefixing setting bolded:
X'80' EQU B'10000000' External Security Requested
X'40' EQU B'01000000' Resource Prefix Required <<===
X'10' EQU B'00010000' RACLIST class APPCLU required
X'08' EQU B'00001000' ESM INSTLN data is required
X'04' EQU B'00000100' Surrogate User Checking required
X'02' EQU B'00000010' Always enact resource check
X'01' EQU B'00000001' Always enact command check
Note: If XTRAN=ssrrTRN is specified, resource prefixing (e.g., SECPRFX=YES) is not required to be enabled. Also, CICS regions cannot share the same resource class if resource prefixing is not active.