All directories in local partitions which are world-writable should be owned by root.
If any world-writable directories are not owned by root, this should be investigated.
Following this, the files should be deleted or assigned to root user.
Allowing a user account to own a world-writable directory is undesirable because it allows the
owner of that directory to remove or replace any files that may be placed in the directory by
other users.
- name: Ensure All World-Writable Directories Are Owned by root User - Define Excluded
(Non-Local) File Systems and Paths
- afs
- ceph
- cifs
- smb3
- smbfs
- sshfs
- ncpfs
- ncp
- nfs
- nfs4
- gfs
- gfs2
- glusterfs
- gpfs
- pvfs2
- ocfs2
- lustre
- davfs
- fuse.sshfs
- dev
- proc
- run
- sys
search_paths: []
- CCE-89514-4
- dir_perms_world_writable_root_owned
- low_complexity
- medium_disruption
- medium_severity
- no_reboot_needed
- restrict_strategy
- name: Ensure All World-Writable Directories Are Owned by root User - Find Relevant
Root Directories Ignoring Pre-Defined Excluded Paths
paths: /
file_type: directory
excludes: '{{ excluded_paths }}'
hidden: true
recurse: false
register: result_relevant_root_dirs
- CCE-89514-4
- dir_perms_world_writable_root_owned
- low_complexity
- medium_disruption
- medium_severity
- no_reboot_needed
- restrict_strategy
- name: Ensure All World-Writable Directories Are Owned by root User - Include Relevant
Root Directories in a List of Paths to be Searched
search_paths: '{{ search_paths | union([item.path]) }}'
loop: '{{ result_relevant_root_dirs.files }}'
- CCE-89514-4
- dir_perms_world_writable_root_owned
- low_complexity
- medium_disruption
- medium_severity
- no_reboot_needed
- restrict_strategy
- name: Ensure All World-Writable Directories Are Owned by root User - Increment Search
Paths List with Local Partitions Mount Points
search_paths: '{{ search_paths | union([item.mount]) }}'
loop: '{{ ansible_mounts }}'
- item.fstype not in excluded_fstypes
- item.mount != '/'
- CCE-89514-4
- dir_perms_world_writable_root_owned
- low_complexity
- medium_disruption
- medium_severity
- no_reboot_needed
- restrict_strategy
- name: Ensure All World-Writable Directories Are Owned by root User - Increment Search
Paths List with Local NFS File System Targets
search_paths: '{{ search_paths | union([item.device.split('':'')[1]]) }}'
loop: '{{ ansible_mounts }}'
when: item.device is search("localhost:")
- CCE-89514-4
- dir_perms_world_writable_root_owned
- low_complexity
- medium_disruption
- medium_severity
- no_reboot_needed
- restrict_strategy
- name: Ensure All World-Writable Directories Are Owned by root User - Define Rule
Specific Facts
world_writable_dirs: []
- CCE-89514-4
- dir_perms_world_writable_root_owned
- low_complexity
- medium_disruption
- medium_severity
- no_reboot_needed
- restrict_strategy
- name: Ensure All World-Writable Directories Are Owned by root User - Find All Uncompliant
Directories in Local File Systems
cmd: find {{ item }} -xdev -type d -perm -0002 -uid +0
loop: '{{ search_paths }}'
changed_when: false
register: result_found_dirs
- CCE-89514-4
- dir_perms_world_writable_root_owned
- low_complexity
- medium_disruption
- medium_severity
- no_reboot_needed
- restrict_strategy
- name: Ensure All World-Writable Directories Are Owned by root User - Create List
of World Writable Directories Not Owned by root
world_writable_dirs: '{{ world_writable_dirs | union(item.stdout_lines) | list
loop: '{{ result_found_dirs.results }}'
when: item is not skipped
- CCE-89514-4
- dir_perms_world_writable_root_owned
- low_complexity
- medium_disruption
- medium_severity
- no_reboot_needed
- restrict_strategy
- name: Ensure All World-Writable Directories Are Owned by root User - Ensure root
Ownership on Local World Writable Directories
path: '{{ item }}'
owner: root
loop: '{{ world_writable_dirs }}'
- CCE-89514-4
- dir_perms_world_writable_root_owned
- low_complexity
- medium_disruption
- medium_severity
- no_reboot_needed
- restrict_strategy
Remediation - Shell Script
# At least under containerized env /proc can have files w/o possilibity to
# modify even as root. And touching /proc is not good idea anyways.
find / -path /proc -prune -o \
-not -fstype afs -not -fstype ceph -not -fstype cifs -not -fstype smb3 -not -fstype smbfs \
-not -fstype sshfs -not -fstype ncpfs -not -fstype ncp -not -fstype nfs -not -fstype nfs4 \