Sensitive Item Control - Keys, Locks and Access Cards Controlling Access to Information Systems (IS) or IS Assets Connected to the DISN
Lack of an adequate key/credential/access device control could result in unauthorized personnel gaining access to the facility or systems with the intent to compromise classified information, steal equipment, or damage equipment or the facility. REFERENCES: UG 2040-SHR, User's Guide on Controlling Locks, Keys, and Access Cards and Best Practices - found on the DoD Lock Program site: DoD 5200.8-R Physical Security Program Chapter 2, para C2.1.4.4., C2.1.4.5., C2.1.4.8. and Chapter 3, para C3.3 and Pg 7, DL1.9 Personnel Identity Management and Protection DoD Manual 5200.08 Volume 3, Physical Security Program: Access to DoD Installations, 2 January 2019 DoD 5220.22-M (NISPOM), February 2006, Incorporating Change 2, May 18, 2016 Chapter 5, paragraphs 5-308, 5-310, 5-312, 5-313, 5-314 NIST Special Publication 800-53 (SP 800-53) Controls: IA-5, SC-12, MA-5, PE-2, PE-3, PS-4, PS-5 CJCSI 6510.01F, INFORMATION ASSURANCE (IA) AND SUPPORT TO COMPUTER NETWORK DEFENSE (CND), 9 February 2011 Encl C, para 34. DoD Manual 5200.01, Volume 3, 24 February 2012, SUBJECT: DoD Information Security Program: Protection of Classified Information Encl3, para 6.e.(1) (2) and Appendix to Encl 3, para 3.a. Satisfies: Sensitive Item Control - Keys, Locks and Access Cards
- ID
- SV-245869r822933_rule
- Version
- PH-07.02.01
- Severity
- Medium
- Updated
Remediation Templates
A Manual Procedure
1. Ensure there are written procedures for the control of sensitive items such as keys, locks, badges and smart cards.
2. Verify the process for controlling keys/locks and credentials is being followed and that it is effective. As a minimum, lock and key systems or access control systems (using coded access swipe/prox badges) require a key or credential inventory, issue records, and a procedure for returning the key or access control credential once the user no longer needs it.
3. Ensure a Key Control/Credential Officer and/or Key/Credential Custodians are appointed in writing to implement the system for controlling keys, locks and access control credentials.