Monitor Screens - Disable Access by CAC or Token Removal, or Lock Computer via Ctrl/Alt/Del
The DoD Common Access Cards (CAC) a "smart" card, is the standard identification for active-duty military personnel, Selected Reserve, DoD civilian employees, and eligible contractor personnel. It is also the principal card used to enable physical access to buildings and controlled spaces, and it provides access to defense computer networks and systems. The card, which is the property of the U.S. Government, is required to be in the personal custody of the member at all times. System Access Tokens are also used on the SIPRNet and the cards along with a Personal identity Number (PIN) can be used to access classified information on the SIPRNet in lieu of a logon ID and password. CAC and SIPRNet tokens are very important components for providing both physical and logical access control to DISN assets and must therefore be strictly controlled. Physically co-locating REL Partners or other FN - who have limited access to the SIPRNet or other US Classified systems - near US personnel in a collateral classified (Secret or higher) open storage area or in a Secret or higher Controlled Access Area (CAA) that processes classified material is permissible for operational efficiency and coordination. Failure to limit access to information systems is especially important in mixed US/FN environments. This is particularly important on US Only classified terminals when not personally and physically attended by US personnel. The failure to properly disable information workstations and monitor screens when unattended can result in FN personnel having unauthorized access to classified information, which can result in the loss or compromise of classified information, including NOFORN information. Appropriate but simple physical and procedural security measures must be put in place to ensure that unauthorized persons to include FN partners do not have unauthorized access to information not approved for release to them. Control of CACs, SIPRNet tokens and locking of computer work stations when unattended is an important aspect of proper procedural security measure implementation. REFERENCES: National Disclosure Policy - 1 (NDP-l) National Security Directive 42, "National Policy for the Security of National Security Telecommunications and Information Systems DODD 5230.11, Disclosure of Classified Military Information to Foreign Governments and International Organizations SPECIAL NOTE: Enclosure 3 to DODD 5230.11 establishes specific criteria for the disclosure of classified information. Use guidance on sharing information with REL Partners on SIPRNET at - follow Policy/Guidance&Documentation link and then SIPRNet Information Sharing... Homeland Security Presidential Directive-12 (HSPD-12), "Policy for a Common Identification Standard for Federal Employees and Contractors," 27 August 2004 DoD Manual 1000.13, Volume 1, SUBJECT: DoD Identification (ID) Cards: ID Card Life-Cycle, January 23, 2014 DoD Manual 1000.13, Volume 2, SUBJECT: DoD Identification (ID) Cards: Benefits for Members of the Uniformed Services, Their Dependents, and Other Eligible Individuals, January 23, 2014 UNDER SECRETARY OF DEFENSE (Intelligence), Directive-Type Memorandum (DTM) 09-012, "Interim Policy Guidance for DoD Physical Access Control", December 8, 2009, Incorporating Change 6, Effective November 20, 2015 DoDI 1000.13, SUBJECT: Identification (ID) Cards for Members of the Uniformed Services, Their Dependents, and Other Eligible Individuals, January 23, 2014 DoDI 8520.02 , SUBJECT: Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and Public Key (PK) Enabling, May 24, 2011 DODD 5230.20; Visits, Assignments, and Exchanges of Foreign Nationals CJCSI 6510.01F, INFORMATION ASSURANCE (IA) AND SUPPORT TO COMPUTER NETWORK DEFENSE (CND), Enclosure C, paragraph 26.d., 27.d.(e) and 34. NIST Special Publication 800-53 (SP 800-53), Rev 4, Controls: IA-2, IA-4, PL-4, PS-6, PS-8, AC-3, AC-11, SC-28 DoDI 8500.01, SUBJECT: Cybersecurity, March 14, 2014 , Enclosure 3, paragraph 8. DoD Manual 5200.01, Volume 1, SUBJECT: DoD Information Security Program: Overview, Classification, and Declassification, Encl 2, para 9.j.(1) and Encl 3, para 5.b., 7.b.(5), 12.e. DoD Manual 5200.01, Volume 3, SUBJECT: DoD Information Security Program: Protection of Classified Information, Encl 3, para 5; Encl 4, para 2.c. ;Appendix to Encl 4, para 1.f. and Encl 7. DoD 5220.22-M (NISPOM), Incorporating Change 2, 18 May 2016, Chapter 8, paragraph 8-103. Satisfies: Monitor Screens - Disable Access by CAC or Token Removal, or Lock Computer via Ctrl/Alt/Del
- ID
- SV-245830r822889_rule
- Version
- IS-08.01.02
- Severity
- High
- Updated
Remediation Templates
A Manual Procedure
1. SIPRNet servers and/or work station hard drives/monitors/keyboards must be disabled (locked) by CAC or Token Removal, or where CACs or tokens are not used the Computer must be locked via Ctrl/Alt/Del - when not personally and physically attended by properly vetted and cleared US personnel.
2. NIPRNet servers and/or work station hard drives/monitors/keyboards must be disabled (locked) by CAC or Token Removal, or where CACs or tokens are not used the Computer must be locked via Ctrl/Alt/Del - when not personally and physically attended by properly vetted US personnel.
3. CACs and other tokens must not be left unattended and must be in the physical custody of the person to whom they were issued.