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Marking Classified - Equipment, Documents or Media: In a classified operating environment, all unclassified items must be marked in addition to all classified items.



Failure to properly mark classified material could result in the loss or compromise of classified information. REFERENCES: The Information Security Oversight Office (ISOO): Implementing Directive for Protection of Classified (for Executive Order 13526), 32 CFR Parts 2001 and 2003 Classified National Security Information: paragraph 2001.23 Classification marking in the electronic environment. CJCSI 6510.01F, INFORMATION ASSURANCE (IA) AND SUPPORT TO COMPUTER NETWORK DEFENSE (CND), Enclosure A, paragraph 6.a. and Enclosure C, paragraphs 21.h.(7) & 29.a. NIST Special Publication 800-53 (SP 800-53), Rev 4, Controls: AC-16 and MP-3. DoD Manual 5200.01, Volume 2, 24 February 2012, SUBJECT: DoD Information Security Program: Marking of Classified Information; Enclosure 2, paragraph 4.b. DoD 5220.22-M (NISPOM), Incorporating Change 2, 18 May 201, Chapter 4, Section 2, paragraphs 4-201, 4-202, 4-203 and Chapter 8, Section 3, paragraph 8-302.g.(1) Satisfies: Marking Classified - Equipment, Documents or Media


Remediation Templates

A Manual Procedure

Ensure all equipment, media, and documents in the areas housing SIPRNet assets contain proper classification markings. In a classified operating environment, all unclassified items must be marked in addition to all classified items. For instance, in areas where any classified equipment such as servers, client workstations, printers, routers, crypto, etc. are being used, all classified equipment, media, and documents must be properly marked with classification levels and handling caveats. All unclassified equipment (servers, client workstations, printers, routers, crypto, etc.), media, and documents must also be properly marked as unclassified and with handling caveats, such as CUI, when appropriate. This total marking of all assets in a classified environment eliminates the assumption that anything not marked is unclassified. Hence, all equipment, media, and documents within SCIFs, Vaults, Secure Rooms and classified Controlled Access Areas (CAAs) must be marked with classification levels and handling caveats.

SPECIAL NOTE FOR MONITORS: Monitors connected to SIPRNet/NIPRNet are inert items of equipment in that they do not store or retain classified data. As long as the monitor border displays the classification level alerting personnel using the system of the protection requirements, there is no need to place a classification sticker on the monitor.
If a classification banner is displayed on an active monitor screen, then the physical monitor is not required to have a SF-710 (unclassified) or SF-707 (secret) sticker.