Foreign National (FN) System Access - FN or Immigrant Aliens (not representing a foreign government or entity) with LAA Granted Uncontrolled Access
Failure to verify citizenship and proper authorization for access to either sensitive or classified information could enable personnel to have access to classified or sensitive information to which they are not entitled. Further uncontrolled/unsupervised access to physical facilities can lead directly to unauthorized access to classified or sensitive information. REFERENCES: National Disclosure Policy - 1 (NDP-l) National Security Directive 42, "National Policy for the Security of National Security Telecommunications and Information Systems DODD 5230.11, Disclosure of Classified Military Information to Foreign Governments and International Organizations SPECIAL NOTE: Enclosure 3 to DODD 5230.11 establishes specific criteria for the disclosure of classified information. Use guidance on sharing information with REL Partners on SIPRNET at - follow Policy/Guidance&Documentation link and then SIPRNet Information Sharing... DODD 5230.20; Visits, Assignments, and Exchanges of Foreign Nationals CJCSI 6510.01F, INFORMATION ASSURANCE (IA) AND SUPPORT TO COMPUTER NETWORK DEFENSE (CND), Encl C, para 26.c.(2)&(3) NIST Special Publication 800-53 (SP 800-53), Rev 4, Controls: AC-1, AC-2, AC-3, AC-24, CA-1, PS-3, PS-4, PS-5, PM-9, MA-5(4) and IA-4(4) DODI 8500.01, SUBJECT: Cybersecurity, March 14, 2014 , Enclosure 3, paragraph 11. DOD Manual 5200.02, Procedures for the DOD Personnel Security Program (PSP), 3 April 2017, Section 6. DOD 8570.01-M, Information Assurance Workforce Improvement Program, para C., C.8.2.7 & AP1.19 DODD 8140.01 Cyberspace Workforce Management DODI 8140.02 Identifying-Tracking and Reporting of Cyberspace Workforce Requirements DODM 8140.03 Cyberspace Workforce Qualification and Management System DOD Manual 5200.01, Volume 1, SUBJECT: DOD Information Security Program: Overview, Classification, and Declassification, Encl 2, para 9.j.(1) and Encl 3, para 5.b., 7.b.(5), 12.e. DOD Manual 5200.01, Volume 3, SUBJECT: DOD Information Security Program: Protection of Classified Information, Encl 3, para 5, Encl 4, para 2.c., Appendix to Encl 4, para 1.f. and Encl 7. DOD 5220.22-M (NISPOM), Incorporating Change 2, 18 May 2016, CHAPTER 10 International Security Requirements, Section 5. International Visits and Control of Foreign Nationals and Section 6. Contractor Operations Abroad, paragraph 10-601.b.
- ID
- SV-245764r917326_rule
- Version
- FN-03.01.02
- Severity
- High
- Updated
Remediation Templates
A Manual Procedure
1. Personnel granted LAAs must not be permitted uncontrolled access to areas where classified information is stored or discussed (safes, vaults and secure room in particular). Classified information must be maintained in a location that will be under the continuous control and supervision of an appropriately cleared U.S. citizen.
2. Access granted to DOD information systems must be properly controlled so that any FN granted an LAA has systems access only to that sensitive (CUI) or classified information to which they are specifically authorized.
NOTE: DODM 8570 requirements will be met until full implementation of DODM 8140.03 requirements. Implementation dates for DOD Manual 8140.03 include a two-year timeline for personnel (civilian and military) in positions coded with cybersecurity work roles and three years for personnel (civilian and military) in positions coded with work roles in any other workforce element. The dates for required qualification would be 15 February 2025 for cybersecurity work roles and the same date in February 2026 for all Defense Cyber Workforce Framework work roles.