Foreign National (FN) Systems Access - Local Nationals Overseas System Access - (SIPRNet or Other Classified System or Classified Network being Reviewed)
Failure to subject foreign nationals to background checks could result in the loss or compromise of classified or sensitive information by foreign sources. REFERENCES: National Disclosure Policy - 1 (NDP-l) National Security Directive 42, "National Policy for the Security of National Security Telecommunications and Information Systems DODD 5230.11, Disclosure of Classified Military Information to Foreign Governments and International Organizations SPECIAL NOTE: Enclosure 3 to DODD 5230.11 establishes specific criteria for the disclosure of classified information Use guidance on sharing information with REL Partners on SIPRNET at - follow Policy/Guidance & Documentation link and then SIPRNet Information Sharing... DODD 5230.20; Visits, Assignments, and Exchanges of Foreign Nationals CJCSI 6510.01F, INFORMATION ASSURANCE (IA) AND SUPPORT TO COMPUTER NETWORK DEFENSE (CND), Encl C, para 26.c. (2) & (3) NIST Special Publication 800-53 (SP 800-53), Rev 4, Controls: AC-1, AC-2, AC-3, AC-24, CA-1, PS-4, PS-5, PM-9, MA-5(4) and IA-4(4) DODI 8500.01, SUBJECT: Cybersecurity, March 14, 2014, Enclosure 3, paragraph 11. DOD Manual 5200.02, Procedures for the DOD Personnel Security Program (PSP), 3 April 2017 DOD 8570.01-M, Information Assurance Workforce Improvement Program, para C., C.8.2.7 & AP1.19 DODD 8140.01 Cyberspace Workforce Management DODI 8140.02 Identifying-Tracking and Reporting of Cyberspace Workforce Requirements DODM 8140.03 Cyberspace Workforce Qualification and Management System
- ID
- SV-245759r917322_rule
- Version
- FN-02.01.01
- Severity
- High
- Updated
Remediation Templates
A Manual Procedure
All local foreign nationals (FN) hired by DOD organizations overseas must not have access to classified systems and information unless:
1. Permitted by National Disclosure Policy and the applicable SOFA - AND
2. A proper background investigation/personnel vetting/security clearance adjudication has been successfully completed for each FN granted systems access IAW the SOFA and all applicable DOD guidance.