The Tanium max_soap_sessions_total setting must be explicitly enabled to limit the number of simultaneous sessions.
Application management includes the ability to control the number of users and user sessions that utilize an application. Limiting the number of allowed users and sessions per user is helpful in limiting risks related to DoS attacks. This requirement may be met via the application or by utilizing information system, session control provided by a web server with specialized session management capabilities. If it has been specified that this requirement will be handled by the application, the capability to limit the maximum number of concurrent single user sessions must be designed and built in to the application. This requirement addresses concurrent sessions for information system accounts and does not address concurrent sessions by single users via multiple system accounts. The maximum number of concurrent sessions should be defined based upon mission needs and the operational environment for each system.
- ID
- SV-254874r960735_rule
- Version
- TANS-AP-000005
- Severity
- Medium
- References
- Updated
Remediation Templates
A Manual Procedure
1. Using a web browser on a system that has connectivity to the Tanium Application, access the Tanium Application web user interface (UI) and log on with multi-factor authentication.
2. Click "Administration" on the top navigation banner.
3. Under "Configuration," select "Platform Settings".