Network Address Translation (NAT) and private IP address space must not be deployed within the SIPRNet enclave.
The DoD has an enterprise level security-focused configuration management (SecCM) requirement to support end-to-end monitoring of SIPRNet, as a National Security System (NSS). The use of NAT and private IP address space inhibits the view of specialized DISN enterprise tools in tracking client level enclave to enclave traffic, monitoring client use of enterprise level application services, and detecting anomalies and potential malicious attacks in SIPRNet client application traffic flows. Enclave nodes that communicate outside the organization's enclave to other SIPRNet enclaves or enterprise services cannot use NATd private addresses via an enclave proxy without the permission of the SIPRNet DISN Authorizing Official, the DISA AO.
- ID
- SV-251360r808530_rule
- Version
- NET0185
- Severity
- Medium
- References
- Updated
Remediation Templates
A Manual Procedure
Remove the NAT configurations and private address space from the organization's SIPRNet enclave. Configure the SIPRNet enclave with SSC authorized or addresses. If NAT or private address space is required, as per one of the stated exceptions or for valid mission requirements, then submit a detailed approval request to use private addressing through the DSAWG Secretariat to the DISN accreditation official, DISA AO.