Tomcat user account must be a non-privileged user.
Use a distinct non-privileged user account for running Tomcat. If Tomcat processes are compromised and a privileged user account is used to operate the Tomcat server processes, the entire system becomes compromised. Sample passwd file: tomcat:x:1001:1001::/opt/tomcat/usr/sbin/nologin The user ID is stored in field 3 of the passwd file.
- ID
- SV-222984r961353_rule
- Version
- TCAT-AS-001060
- Severity
- Medium
- References
- Updated
Remediation Templates
A Manual Procedure
From the Tomcat server, create a tomcat user by adding a new non-privileged user OS account with the following command:
sudo useradd tomcat
Edit the systemd tomcat.service file or create one if it does not exist. Use the new "tomcat" user account by setting; USER=tomcat