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Domain Name System (DNS) Security Requirements Guide

Rules, Groups, and Values defined within the XCCDF Benchmark

  • The DNS implementation must limit the number of concurrent sessions for zone transfers to the number of secondary name servers.

    Limiting the number of concurrent sessions reduces the risk of Denial of Service (DoS) to the DNS implementation. Name servers do not have direct user connections but accept client connections fo...
    Rule Medium Severity
  • The DNS server implementation must produce audit records containing information to establish what type of events occurred.

    Auditing and logging are key components of any security architecture. It is essential for security personnel to know what is being performed on the system, where an event occurred, when an event oc...
    Rule Medium Severity
  • The DNS server implementation must produce audit records containing information to establish when (date and time) the events occurred.

    Without establishing when events occurred, it is impossible to establish, correlate, and investigate the events relating to an incident. Associating event types with detected events in the applic...
    Rule Medium Severity
  • The DNS server implementations audit records must be backed up at least every seven days onto a different system or system component than the system or component being audited.

    Protection of log data includes assuring log data is not accidentally lost or deleted. Backing up audit records to a different system or onto separate media than the system being audited on a defin...
    Rule Medium Severity
  • The DNS server implementation must be configured to prohibit or restrict unapproved ports and protocols.

    In order to prevent unauthorized connection of devices, unauthorized transfer of information, or unauthorized tunneling (i.e., embedding of data types within data types), organizations must disable...
    Rule Medium Severity
  • Read/Write access to the key file must be restricted to the account that runs the name server software only.

    To enable zone transfer (requests and responses) through authenticated messages, it is necessary to generate a key for every pair of name servers. The key can also be used for securing other transa...
    Rule Medium Severity
  • Signature generation using the KSK must be done off-line, using the KSK-private stored off-line.

    Security-relevant information is any information within information systems that can potentially impact the operation of security functions or the provision of security services in a manner that co...
    Rule Medium Severity
  • A DNS server implementation must provide additional data origin artifacts along with the authoritative data the system returns in response to external name/address resolution queries.

    The underlying feature in the major threat associated with DNS query/response (i.e., forged response or response failure) is the integrity of DNS data returned in the response. The security objecti...
    Rule Medium Severity
  • The DNS server implementation must enforce approved authorizations for controlling the flow of information between DNS servers and between DNS servers and DNS clients based on DNSSEC policies.

    A mechanism to detect and prevent unauthorized communication flow must be configured or provided as part of the system design. If information flow is not enforced based on approved authorizations, ...
    Rule Medium Severity
  • A DNS server implementation must provide the means to enable verification of a chain of trust among parent and child domains (if the child supports secure resolution services).

    If name server replies are invalid or cannot be validated, many networking functions and communication would be adversely affected. With DNS, the presence of Delegation Signer (DS) records associat...
    Rule Medium Severity

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