The DoD Root Certificate Exists
Enable Shared System Certificates
Limit the Number of Concurrent Login Sessions Allowed Per User
Compliance Guardian must limit the number of concurrent sessions to an organization-defined number for all accounts and/or account types.
The Apache web server must limit the number of allowed simultaneous session requests.
The Apache web server must perform server-side session management.
The ALG providing user access control intermediary services must limit the number of concurrent sessions to an organization-defined number for all accounts and/or account types.
The application server must limit the number of concurrent sessions to an organization-defined number for all accounts and/or account types.
The application must provide a capability to limit the number of logon sessions per user.
The CA API Gateway providing user access control intermediary services must limit users to two concurrent sessions.
The BIND 9.x secondary name server must limit the number of zones requested from a single master name server.
The BIND 9.x secondary name server must limit the total number of zones the name server can request at any one time.
The BIND 9.x server implementation must limit the number of concurrent session client connections to the number of allowed dynamic update clients.
A BIND 9.x master name server must limit the number of concurrent zone transfers between authorized secondary name servers.
For interactive sessions, IDMS must limit the number of concurrent sessions for the same user to one or allow unlimited sessions.
The DBMS must develop a procedure to limit the number of concurrent sessions to an organization-defined number per user for all accounts and/or account types.
Delivery Controller must limit the number of concurrent sessions to an organization-defined number for all accounts and/or account types.
The application must limit the number of concurrent sessions to three.
The Docker Enterprise Per User Limit Login Session Control in the Universal Control Plane (UCP) Admin Settings must be set to an organization-defined value for all accounts and/or account types.
The DNS implementation must limit the number of concurrent sessions client connections to the number of allowed dynamic update clients.
The FortiGate device must limit the number of logon and user sessions.
CounterACT must limit the number of concurrent sessions to an organization-defined number for each administrator account type.
Infoblox systems that perform zone transfers to non-Grid DNS servers must limit the number of concurrent sessions for zone transfers.
The Infoblox system must limit the number of concurrent client connections to the number of allowed dynamic update clients.
IBM Aspera Console must prevent concurrent logins for all accounts.
IBM Aspera Faspex must prevent concurrent logins for all accounts.
The IBM Aspera High-Speed Transfer Endpoint must limit the number of concurrent sessions to an organization-defined number for all accounts and/or account types.
The IBM Aspera High-Speed Transfer Server must limit the number of concurrent sessions to an organization-defined number for all accounts and/or account types.
The MQ Appliance messaging server must protect against or limit the effects of all types of Denial of Service (DoS) attacks by employing operationally-defined security safeguards.
The WebSphere Application Server maximum in-memory session count must be set according to application requirements.
The Ivanti MobileIron Core server must limit the number of concurrent sessions per privileged user account to three or less concurrent sessions.
MobileIron Sentry must limit the number of concurrent sessions for the CLISH interface to an organization-defined number for each administrator account and/or administrator account type.
MobileIron Sentry must be configured to limit the network access of the Sentry System Manager Portal behind the corporate firewall and whitelist source IP range.
The ISEC7 EMM Suite must limit the number of concurrent sessions to an organization-defined number for all accounts and/or account types.
The number of concurrent SQL Server sessions for each system account must be limited.
The Windows 2012 DNS Server must restrict incoming dynamic update requests to known clients.
The network device must limit the number of concurrent sessions to an organization-defined number for each administrator account and/or administrator account type.
Nutanix AOS must limit the number of concurrent sessions to ten for all accounts and/or account types.
OHS must have the mpm property set to use the worker Multi-Processing Module (MPM) as the preferred means to limit the number of allowed simultaneous requests.
OHS must have the mpm_prefork_module directive disabled so as not conflict with the worker directive used to limit the number of allowed simultaneous requests.
OHS must have the MaxClients directive defined to limit the number of allowed simultaneous requests.
OHS must limit the number of threads within a worker process to limit the number of allowed simultaneous requests.
OHS must limit the number of worker processes to limit the number of allowed simultaneous requests.
OHS must capture, record, and log all content related to a user session.
OHS must have the LoadModule ossl_module directive enabled to implement required cryptographic protections using cryptographic modules complying with applicable federal laws, Executive Orders, directives, policies, regulations, standards, and guidance when encrypting data that must be compartmentalized.
Riverbed Optimization System (RiOS) must limit the number of concurrent sessions to one (1) for each administrator account and/or administrator account type.
The Samsung SDS EMM must limit the number of concurrent sessions to one session for all accounts and/or account types.
The Tanium max_soap_sessions_total setting must be explicitly enabled to limit the number of simultaneous sessions.
The Tanium max_soap_sessions_per_user setting must be explicitly enabled to limit the number of simultaneous sessions.
The Tanium soap_max_keep_alive setting must be explicitly enabled to limit the number of simultaneous sessions.
The Tanium "max_soap_sessions_total" setting must be explicitly enabled to limit the number of simultaneous sessions.
The Tanium "max_soap_sessions_per_user" setting must be explicitly enabled to limit the number of simultaneous sessions.
The TippingPoint SMS must limit the maximum number of concurrent active sessions to one for the account of last resort.
The TippingPoint SMS must limit total number of user sessions for privileged uses to a maximum of 10.
The TippingPoint SMS must disable auto reconnect after disconnect.
The Tanium Operating System (TanOS) must limit the number of concurrent sessions to an organization-defined number for all accounts and/or account types.
The UEM server must limit the number of concurrent sessions per privileged user account to three or less concurrent sessions.
The VPN Gateway must limit the number of concurrent sessions for user accounts to 1 or to an organization-defined number.
The number of allowed simultaneous sessions to the manager application must be limited.
The Ubuntu operating system must limit the number of concurrent sessions to ten for all accounts and/or account types.
PostgreSQL must limit the number of concurrent sessions to an organization-defined number per user for all accounts and/or account types.
The Cisco ASA must be configured to limit the number of concurrent management sessions to an organization-defined number.
The Cisco switch must be configured to limit the number of concurrent management sessions to an organization-defined number.
The Cisco router must be configured to limit the number of concurrent management sessions to an organization-defined number.
The EDB Postgres Advanced Server must limit the number of concurrent sessions to an organization-defined number per user for all accounts and/or account types.
The HPE Nimble must limit the number of concurrent sessions to an organization-defined number for each administrator account.
The operating system must limit the number of concurrent sessions to ten for all accounts and/or account types.
SSMC web server must limit the number of allowed simultaneous session requests.
AIX must limit the number of concurrent sessions to 10 for all accounts and/or account types.
The ICS must be configured to limit the number of concurrent sessions for user accounts to one.
The Juniper EX switch must be configured to limit the number of concurrent management sessions to 10 or less.
The ICS must be configured to limit the number of concurrent sessions to an organization-defined number for each administrator account and/or administrator account type.
MongoDB must limit the total number of concurrent connections to the database.
Exchange must limit the Receive connector timeout.
The IIS 10.0 website session state must be enabled.
The IIS 10.0 website session state cookie settings must be configured to Use Cookies mode.
The IIS 10.0 websites MaxConnections setting must be configured to limit the number of allowed simultaneous session requests.
The DBMS must limit the number of concurrent sessions for each system account to an organization-defined number of sessions.
The DBMS must protect against or limit the effects of the organization-defined types of Denial of Service (DoS) attacks.
The Oracle Linux operating system must limit the number of concurrent sessions to 10 for all accounts and/or account types.
OL 8 must limit the number of concurrent sessions to 10 for all accounts and/or account types.
MySQL Database Server 8.0 must limit the number of concurrent sessions to an organization-defined number per user for all accounts and/or account types.
Automation Controller must limit the number of concurrent sessions to an organization-defined number for all accounts and/or account types.
The Automation Controller web server must manage sessions.
RHEL 8 must limit the number of concurrent sessions to ten for all accounts and/or account types.
The Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system must limit the number of concurrent sessions to 10 for all accounts and/or account types.
The SUSE operating system must limit the number of concurrent sessions to 10 for all accounts and/or account types.
RHEL 9 must limit the number of concurrent sessions to ten for all accounts and/or account types.
The operating system must limit the number of concurrent sessions for each account to an organization-defined number of sessions.
The VMM must limit the number of concurrent sessions to ten for all accounts and/or account types.
ESX Agent Manager must limit the number of concurrent connections permitted.
VAMI must limit the number of simultaneous requests.
Performance Charts must limit the amount of time that each Transport Control Protocol (TCP) connection is kept alive.
Performance Charts must limit the number of concurrent connections permitted.
Performance Charts must limit the maximum size of a POST request.
Performance Charts must protect cookies from cross-site scripting (XSS).
ESX Agent Manager must limit the maximum size of a POST request.
ESX Agent Manager must protect cookies from cross-site scripting (XSS).
Lookup Service must limit the number of concurrent connections permitted.
Lookup Service must limit the maximum size of a POST request.
Lookup Service must protect cookies from cross-site scripting (XSS).
The ESXi host must enable lockdown mode.
The Photon operating system must limit the number of concurrent sessions to 10 for all accounts and/or account types.
The vCenter ESX Agent Manager service must limit the number of maximum concurrent connections permitted.
VMware Postgres must limit the number of connections.
Envoy must drop connections to disconnected clients.
Envoy must set a limit on established connections.
The vCenter Envoy service must set a limit on remote connections.
The Security Token Service must limit the number of concurrent connections permitted.
The Security Token Service must limit the maximum size of a POST request.
The Security Token Service must protect cookies from cross-site scripting (XSS).
The vCenter ESX Agent Manager service must limit the amount of time that each Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) connection is kept alive.
The vCenter ESX Agent Manager service must limit the number of times that each Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) connection is kept alive.
The vCenter Lookup service must limit the number of maximum concurrent connections permitted.
The vCenter Lookup service must limit the amount of time that each Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) connection is kept alive.
The vCenter Lookup service must limit the number of times that each Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) connection is kept alive.
vSphere UI must limit the number of concurrent connections permitted.
vSphere UI must limit the maximum size of a POST request.
vSphere UI must protect cookies from cross-site scripting (XSS).
The vCenter Perfcharts service must limit the amount of time that each Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) connection is kept alive.
The vCenter Perfcharts service must limit the number of times that each Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) connection is kept alive.
The Photon operating system must limit the number of concurrent sessions to ten for all accounts and/or account types.
The vCenter PostgreSQL service must limit the number of concurrent sessions.
The vCenter STS service must limit the amount of time that each Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) connection is kept alive.
The vCenter STS service must limit the number of times that each Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) connection is kept alive.
The vCenter UI service must limit the amount of time that each Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) connection is kept alive.
The vCenter UI service must limit the number of times that each Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) connection is kept alive.
The vCenter VAMI service must limit the number of allowed simultaneous session requests.
The web server must perform server-side session management.
The Windows DNS Server must restrict incoming dynamic update requests to known clients.
The Windows DNS primary server must only send zone transfers to a specific list of secondary name servers.
The F5 BIG-IP appliance must be configured to set the "Max In Progress Sessions per Client IP" value to 10 or less.
The BIG-IP appliance must limit the number of concurrent sessions to the Configuration Utility to 10 or an organization-defined number.
The BIG-IP Core implementation must be configured to limit the number of concurrent sessions to an organization-defined number for virtual servers.
Ubuntu 22.04 LTS must limit the number of concurrent sessions to ten for all accounts and/or account types.
The DNS implementation must limit the number of concurrent sessions for zone transfers to the number of secondary name servers.
The Enterprise Voice, Video, and Messaging Endpoint must be configured to limit the number of concurrent sessions to an organizationally defined number.
The F5 BIG-IP appliance must be configured to set the "Max In Progress Sessions per Client IP" value to 10 or an organizational-defined number.
The Enterprise Voice, Video, and Messaging Session Manager must limit the number of concurrent management sessions to an organizationally defined limit.
The F5 BIG-IP appliance must be configured to limit the number of concurrent sessions to the Configuration Utility to 10 or an organization-defined number.
The ISEC7 SPHERE must limit the number of concurrent sessions to an organization-defined number for all accounts and/or account types.
Sentry must limit the number of concurrent sessions for the CLISH interface to an organization-defined number for each administrator account and/or administrator account type.
Sentry must be configured to limit the network access of the Sentry System Manager Portal behind the corporate firewall and whitelist source IP range.
The Ivanti EPMM server must limit the number of concurrent sessions per privileged user account to three or less concurrent sessions.
The Juniper EX switch must be configured to limit the number of concurrent management sessions to 10 or an organization-defined value.
The Mainframe Product must limit the number of concurrent sessions to three for all accounts and/or account types.
MarkLogic Server must limit the number of concurrent sessions to an organization-defined number per user for all accounts and/or account types.
SLEM 5 must limit the number of concurrent sessions to 10 for all accounts and/or account types.
TOSS must limit the number of concurrent sessions to 256 for all accounts and/or account types.
The NSX Manager must be configured to protect against denial-of-service (DoS) attacks by limit the number of concurrent sessions to an organization-defined number.
The web server must limit the number of allowed simultaneous session requests.