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CP-3: Contingency Training

An OSCAL Control


    • a.

      Provide contingency training to system users consistent with assigned roles and responsibilities:

      • 1.

        Within of assuming a contingency role or responsibility;

      • 2.

        When required by system changes; and

      • 3.

        thereafter; and

    • b.

      Review and update contingency training content and following .

      • (a) Requirement:

        Privileged admins and engineers must take the basic contingency training within 10 days. Consideration must be given for those privileged admins and engineers with critical contingency-related roles, to gain enough system context and situational awareness to understand the full impact of contingency training as it applies to their respective level. Newly hired critical contingency personnel must take this more in-depth training within 60 days of hire date when the training will have more impact.