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I - Mission Critical Classified

Rules and Groups employed by this XCCDF Profile

  • SRG-OS-000112-GPOS-00057

  • Windows Server 2022 Kerberos policy user ticket renewal maximum lifetime must be limited to seven days or less.

    This setting determines the period of time (in days) during which a user's Ticket Granting Ticket (TGT) may be renewed. This security configuration limits the amount of time an attacker has to crac...
    Rule Medium Severity
  • SRG-OS-000112-GPOS-00057

  • Windows Server 2022 computer clock synchronization tolerance must be limited to five minutes or less.

    This setting determines the maximum time difference (in minutes) that Kerberos will tolerate between the time on a client's clock and the time on a server's clock while still considering the two cl...
    Rule Medium Severity
  • SRG-OS-000324-GPOS-00125


The content of the drawer really is up to you. It could have form fields, definition lists, text lists, labels, charts, progress bars, etc. Spacing recommendation is 24px margins. You can put tabs in here, and can also make the drawer scrollable.
