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DISA STIG for Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS

Rules and Groups employed by this XCCDF Profile

  • systemd-journald

    systemd-journald is a system service that collects and stores logging data. It creates and maintains structured, indexed journals based on logging ...
  • Verify Group Who Owns the system journal

    ' To properly set the group owner of <code>/var/log/journal/.*/system.journal</code>, run the command: <pre>$ sudo chgrp systemd-journal /var/log/j...
    Rule Medium Severity
  • Verify Owner on the system journal

    ' To properly set the owner of <code>/var/log/journal/.*/system.journal</code>, run the command: <pre>$ sudo chown root /var/log/journal/.*/system....
    Rule Medium Severity
  • Verify Permissions on the system journal

    To properly set the permissions of <code>/var/log/journal/.*/system.journal</code>, run the command: <pre>$ sudo chmod 0640 /var/log/journal/.*/sy...
    Rule Medium Severity
  • File Permissions and Masks

    Traditional Unix security relies heavily on file and directory permissions to prevent unauthorized users from reading or modifying files to which t...
  • Verify Permissions on Important Files and Directories

    Permissions for many files on a system must be set restrictively to ensure sensitive information is properly protected. This section discusses impo...
  • Verify Permissions on Files within /var/log Directory

    The /var/log directory contains files with logs of error messages in the system and should only be accessed by authorized personnel.
  • Verify Group Who Owns /var/log Directory

    To properly set the group owner of /var/log, run the command:
    $ sudo chgrp root /var/log
    Rule Medium Severity
  • Verify User Who Owns /var/log Directory

    To properly set the owner of /var/log, run the command:
    $ sudo chown root /var/log 
    Rule Medium Severity
  • Verify Permissions on /var/log Directory

    To properly set the permissions of /var/log, run the command:
    $ sudo chmod 0755 /var/log
    Rule Medium Severity
  • Restrict Dynamic Mounting and Unmounting of Filesystems

    Linux includes a number of facilities for the automated addition and removal of filesystems on a running system. These facilities may be necessary...
  • Disable Modprobe Loading of USB Storage Driver

    To prevent USB storage devices from being used, configure the kernel module loading system to prevent automatic loading of the USB storage driver. ...
    Rule Medium Severity
  • Restrict Programs from Dangerous Execution Patterns

    The recommendations in this section are designed to ensure that the system's features to protect against potentially dangerous program execution ar...
  • Restrict Access to Kernel Message Buffer

    To set the runtime status of the <code>kernel.dmesg_restrict</code> kernel parameter, run the following command: <pre>$ sudo sysctl -w kernel.dmesg...
    Rule Low Severity
  • Disallow kernel profiling by unprivileged users

    To set the runtime status of the <code>kernel.perf_event_paranoid</code> kernel parameter, run the following command: <pre>$ sudo sysctl -w kernel....
    Rule Low Severity
  • Enable ExecShield

    ExecShield describes kernel features that provide protection against exploitation of memory corruption errors such as buffer overflows. These featu...
  • Enable Randomized Layout of Virtual Address Space

    To set the runtime status of the <code>kernel.randomize_va_space</code> kernel parameter, run the following command: <pre>$ sudo sysctl -w kernel.r...
    Rule Medium Severity
  • Enable Execute Disable (XD) or No Execute (NX) Support on x86 Systems

    Recent processors in the x86 family support the ability to prevent code execution on a per memory page basis. Generically and on AMD processors, th...
  • Enable NX or XD Support in the BIOS

    Reboot the system and enter the BIOS or Setup configuration menu. Navigate the BIOS configuration menu and make sure that the option is enabled. Th...
    Rule Medium Severity
  • Memory Poisoning

    Memory Poisoning consists of writing a special value to uninitialized or freed memory. Poisoning can be used as a mechanism to prevent leak of info...

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