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DISA STIG for Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS

Rules and Groups employed by this XCCDF Profile

  • SSH Server

    The SSH protocol is recommended for remote login and remote file transfer. SSH provides confidentiality and integrity for data exchanged between two systems, as well as server authentication, throu...
  • Disable SSH Server If Possible

    Instead of using ssh to remotely log in to a cluster node, it is recommended to use <code>oc debug</code> The <code>sshd</code> service can be disabled with the following manifest: <pre> --- apiV...
    Rule High Severity
  • Configure OpenSSH Server if Necessary

    If the system needs to act as an SSH server, then certain changes should be made to the OpenSSH daemon configuration file <code>/etc/ssh/sshd_config</code>. The following recommendations can be app...
  • Disable SSH Root Login

    The root user should never be allowed to login to a system directly over a network. To disable root login via SSH, add or correct the following line in <code>/etc/ssh/sshd_config</code>: <pre>Pe...
    Rule Medium Severity
  • USBGuard daemon

    The USBGuard daemon enforces the USB device authorization policy for all USB devices.
  • Install usbguard Package

    The <code>usbguard</code> package can be installed with the following manifest: <pre> --- apiVersion: kind: MachineConfig metadata: labels: machineconfig...
    Rule Medium Severity
  • Enable the USBGuard Service

    The USBGuard service should be enabled. The <code>usbguard</code> service can be enabled with the following manifest: <pre> --- apiVersion: kind: MachineConfig...
    Rule Medium Severity
  • Log USBGuard daemon audit events using Linux Audit

    To configure USBGuard daemon to log via Linux Audit (as opposed directly to a file), <code>AuditBackend</code> option in <code>/etc/usbguard/usbguard-daemon.conf</code> needs to be set to <code>Lin...
    Rule Low Severity
  • Authorize Human Interface Devices and USB hubs in USBGuard daemon

    To allow authorization of USB devices combining human interface device and hub capabilities by USBGuard daemon, add the line <code>allow with-interface match-all { 03:*:* 09:00:* }</code> to <code>...
    Rule Medium Severity

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