DRAFT - DISA STIG for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 10
Rules and Groups employed by this XCCDF Profile
Disable Host-Based Authentication
SSH's cryptographic host-based authentication is more secure than <code>.rhosts</code> authentication. However, it is not recommended that hosts unilaterally trust one another, even within an organ...Rule Medium Severity -
Enable SSH Server firewalld Firewall Exception
If the SSH server is in use, inbound connections to SSH's port should be allowed to permit remote access through SSH. In more restrictive firewalld settings, the SSH port should be added to the pro...Rule Medium Severity -
Disable Compression Or Set Compression to delayed
Compression is useful for slow network connections over long distances but can cause performance issues on local LANs. If use of compression is required, it should be enabled only after a user has ...Rule Medium Severity -
Disable SSH Access via Empty Passwords
Disallow SSH login with empty passwords. The default SSH configuration disables logins with empty passwords. The appropriate configuration is used if no value is set for <code>PermitEmptyPasswords<...Rule High Severity -
Disable GSSAPI Authentication
Unless needed, SSH should not permit extraneous or unnecessary authentication mechanisms like GSSAPI. <br> The default SSH configuration disallows authentications based on GSSAPI. The appropriate c...Rule Medium Severity
Node 2
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