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DISA STIG for SUSE Linux Enterprise Micro (SLEM) 5

Rules and Groups employed by this XCCDF Profile

  • Services

    The best protection against vulnerable software is running less software. This section describes how to review the software which SUSE Linux Enterprise Micro 5 installs on a system and disable soft...
  • Base Services

    This section addresses the base services that are installed on a SUSE Linux Enterprise Micro 5 default installation which are not covered in other sections. Some of these services listen on the net...
  • Disable KDump Kernel Crash Analyzer (kdump)

    The <code>kdump</code> service provides a kernel crash dump analyzer. It uses the <code>kexec</code> system call to boot a secondary kernel ("capture" kernel) following a system crash, which can lo...
    Rule Medium Severity
  • Mail Server Software

    Mail servers are used to send and receive email over the network. Mail is a very common service, and Mail Transfer Agents (MTAs) are obvious targets of network attack. Ensure that systems are not r...
  • Configure SMTP For Mail Clients

    This section discusses settings for Postfix in a submission-only e-mail configuration.

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