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II - Mission Support Public

Rules and Groups employed by this XCCDF Profile

  • SRG-OS-000480

  • The operating system must enable an application firewall, if available.

    &lt;VulnDiscussion&gt;Firewalls protect computers from network attacks by blocking or limiting access to open network ports. Application firewalls ...
    Rule Medium Severity
  • SRG-OS-000481

  • The operating system must protect the confidentiality and integrity of communications with wireless peripherals.

    &lt;VulnDiscussion&gt;Without protection of communications with wireless peripherals, confidentiality and integrity may be compromised because unpr...
    Rule High Severity
  • SRG-OS-000439

  • The operating system must install security-relevant software updates within the time period directed by an authoritative source (e.g., IAVM, CTOs, DTMs, and STIGs).

    &lt;VulnDiscussion&gt;Security flaws with operating systems are discovered daily. Vendors are constantly updating and patching their products to ad...
    Rule Medium Severity
  • SRG-OS-000590

  • The operating system must disable accounts when the accounts are no longer associated to a user.

    &lt;VulnDiscussion&gt;Disabling expired, inactive, or otherwise anomalous accounts supports the concepts of least privilege and least functionality...
    Rule Medium Severity
  • SRG-OS-000690

  • The operating system must prohibit the use or connection of unauthorized hardware components.

    &lt;VulnDiscussion&gt;Hardware components provide the foundation for organizational systems and the platform for the execution of authorized softwa...
    Rule Medium Severity
  • SRG-OS-000705

  • The operating system must implement multifactor authentication for local, network, and/or remote access to privileged accounts and/or nonprivileged accounts such that the device meets organization-defined strength of mechanism requirements.

    &lt;VulnDiscussion&gt;The purpose of requiring a device separate from the system to which the user is attempting to gain access for one of the fact...
    Rule Medium Severity
  • SRG-OS-000710

  • The operating system must, for password-based authentication, verify when users create or update passwords the passwords are not found on the list of commonly-used, expected, or compromised passwords in IA-5 (1) (a).

    &lt;VulnDiscussion&gt;Password-based authentication applies to passwords regardless of whether they are used in single-factor or multifactor authen...
    Rule Medium Severity
  • SRG-OS-000720

  • The operating system must for password-based authentication, require immediate selection of a new password upon account recovery.

    &lt;VulnDiscussion&gt;Password-based authentication applies to passwords regardless of whether they are used in single-factor or multifactor authen...
    Rule Medium Severity
  • SRG-OS-000725

  • The operating system must for password-based authentication, allow user selection of long passwords and passphrases, including spaces and all printable characters.

    &lt;VulnDiscussion&gt;Password-based authentication applies to passwords regardless of whether they are used in single-factor or multifactor authen...
    Rule Medium Severity
  • SRG-OS-000730

  • The operating system must, for password-based authentication, employ automated tools to assist the user in selecting strong password authenticators.

    &lt;VulnDiscussion&gt;Password-based authentication applies to passwords regardless of whether they are used in single-factor or multifactor authen...
    Rule Medium Severity

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