ANSSI-BP-028 (high)
Rules and Groups employed by this XCCDF Profile
Verify Ownership on SSH Server Private *_key Key Files
SSH server private keys, files that match the/etc/ssh/*_key
glob, must be owned byroot
user.Rule Medium Severity -
Verify Ownership on SSH Server Public *.pub Key Files
SSH server public keys, files that match the/etc/ssh/*.pub
glob, must be owned byroot
user.Rule Medium Severity -
Verify Permissions on SSH Server Private *_key Key Files
SSH server private keys - files that match the <code>/etc/ssh/*_key</code> glob, have to have restricted permissions. If those files are owned by the <code>root</code> user and the <code>root</code...Rule Medium Severity -
Verify Permissions on SSH Server Public *.pub Key Files
To properly set the permissions of/etc/ssh/*.pub
, run the command:$ sudo chmod 0644 /etc/ssh/*.pub
Rule Medium Severity -
Configure OpenSSH Server if Necessary
If the system needs to act as an SSH server, then certain changes should be made to the OpenSSH daemon configuration file <code>/etc/ssh/sshd_config</code>. The following recommendations can be app...Group -
Disable SSH Root Login
The root user should never be allowed to login to a system directly over a network. To disable root login via SSH, add or correct the following line in <code>/etc/ssh/sshd_config</code>: <pre>Pe...Rule Medium Severity -
Configure Systemd Timer Execution of AIDE
At a minimum, AIDE should be configured to run a weekly scan. To implement a systemd service and a timer unit to run the service periodically: For example, if a systemd timer is expected to be star...Rule Medium Severity -
Configure Periodic Execution of AIDE
At a minimum, AIDE should be configured to run a weekly scan. To implement a daily execution of AIDE at 4:05am using cron, add the following line to <code>/etc/crontab</code>: <pre>05 4 * * * root ...Rule Medium Severity -
Configure Notification of Post-AIDE Scan Details
AIDE should notify appropriate personnel of the details of a scan after the scan has been run. If AIDE has already been configured for periodic execution in <code>/etc/crontab</code>, append the fo...Rule Medium Severity -
Configure AIDE to Verify Access Control Lists (ACLs)
By default, the <code>acl</code> option is added to the <code>FIPSR</code> ruleset in AIDE. If using a custom ruleset or the <code>acl</code> option is missing, add <code>acl</code> to the appropri...Rule Low Severity
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