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II - Mission Support Public

Rules and Groups employed by this XCCDF Profile

  • The Photon operating system must ensure the old passwords are being stored.

    <VulnDiscussion>Password complexity, or strength, is a measure of the effectiveness of a password in resisting attempts at guessing and brute...
    Rule Medium Severity
  • SRG-OS-000480-GPOS-00227

  • The Photon operating system must configure sshd to restrict AllowTcpForwarding.

    &lt;VulnDiscussion&gt;While enabling Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) tunnels is a valuable function of sshd, this feature is not appropriate fo...
    Rule Medium Severity
  • SRG-OS-000480-GPOS-00227

  • The Photon operating system must configure sshd to restrict LoginGraceTime.

    &lt;VulnDiscussion&gt;By default, sshd unauthenticated connections are left open for two minutes before being closed. This setting is too permissiv...
    Rule Medium Severity

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