No profile (default benchmark)
Rules and Groups employed by this XCCDF Profile
Group -
The network device must implement replay-resistant authentication mechanisms for network access to privileged accounts.
A replay attack may enable an unauthorized user to gain access to the application. Authentication sessions between the authenticator and the application validating the user credentials must not be ...Rule Medium Severity -
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The network device must be configured with both an ingress and egress ACL.
Changes to the hardware or software components of the network device can have significant effects on the overall security of the network. Therefore, only qualified and authorized individuals should...Rule Medium Severity -
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The network device must be configured to synchronize internal information system clocks using redundant authoritative time sources.
The loss of connectivity to a particular authoritative time source will result in the loss of time synchronization (free-run mode) and increasingly inaccurate time stamps on audit events and other ...Rule Medium Severity -
Group -
The password configured on the WLAN access point for key generation and client access must be set to a 15-character or longer complex password as required by USCYBERCOM CTO 07-15 Rev1.
If the organization does not use a strong passcode for client access, an adversary is significantly more likely to be able to obtain it. Once this occurs, the adversary may be able to obtain full n...Rule Medium Severity
Node 2
The content of the drawer really is up to you. It could have form fields, definition lists, text lists, labels, charts, progress bars, etc. Spacing recommendation is 24px margins. You can put tabs in here, and can also make the drawer scrollable.