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DISA STIG with GUI for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7

Rules and Groups employed by this XCCDF Profile

  • Configure Operating System to Protect Mail Server

    The guidance in this section is appropriate for any host which is operating as a site MTA, whether the mail server runs using Sendmail, Postfix, or...
  • Configure Postfix if Necessary

    Postfix stores its configuration files in the directory /etc/postfix by default. The primary configuration file is /etc/postfix/
  • Control Mail Relaying

    Postfix's mail relay controls are implemented with the help of the smtpd recipient restrictions option, which controls the restrictions placed on t...
  • Prevent Unrestricted Mail Relaying

    Modify the <pre>/etc/postfix/</pre> file to restrict client connections to the local network with the following command: <pre>$ sudo postcon...
    Rule Medium Severity
  • NFS and RPC

    The Network File System is a popular distributed filesystem for the Unix environment, and is very widely deployed. This section discusses the circ...
  • Configure NFS Clients

    The steps in this section are appropriate for systems which operate as NFS clients.
  • Mount Remote Filesystems with Restrictive Options

    Edit the file <code>/etc/fstab</code>. For each filesystem whose type (column 3) is <code>nfs</code> or <code>nfs4</code>, add the text <code>,node...
  • Mount Remote Filesystems with Kerberos Security

    Add the <code>sec=krb5:krb5i:krb5p</code> option to the fourth column of <code>/etc/fstab</code> for the line which controls mounting of any NFS mo...
    Rule Medium Severity
  • Mount Remote Filesystems with noexec

    Add the noexec option to the fourth column of /etc/fstab for the line which controls mounting of any NFS mounts.
    Rule Medium Severity
  • Mount Remote Filesystems with nosuid

    Add the nosuid option to the fourth column of /etc/fstab for the line which controls mounting of any NFS mounts.
    Rule Medium Severity
  • Network Time Protocol

    The Network Time Protocol is used to manage the system clock over a network. Computer clocks are not very accurate, so time will drift unpredictabl...
  • Configure Time Service Maxpoll Interval

    The <code>maxpoll</code> should be configured to <xccdf-1.2:sub idref="xccdf_org.ssgproject.content_value_var_time_service_set_maxpoll" use="legacy...
    Rule Medium Severity
  • Obsolete Services

    This section discusses a number of network-visible services which have historically caused problems for system security, and for which disabling or...
  • NIS

    The Network Information Service (NIS), also known as 'Yellow Pages' (YP), and its successor NIS+ have been made obsolete by Kerberos, LDAP, and oth...
  • Uninstall ypserv Package

    The ypserv package can be removed with the following command:
    $ sudo yum erase ypserv
    Rule High Severity
  • Rlogin, Rsh, and Rexec

    The Berkeley r-commands are legacy services which allow cleartext remote access and have an insecure trust model.
  • Uninstall rsh-server Package

    The rsh-server package can be removed with the following command:
    $ sudo yum erase rsh-server
    Rule High Severity
  • Remove Host-Based Authentication Files

    The <code>shosts.equiv</code> file lists remote hosts and users that are trusted by the local system. To remove these files, run the following comm...
    Rule High Severity
  • Remove User Host-Based Authentication Files

    The <code>~/.shosts</code> (in each user's home directory) files list remote hosts and users that are trusted by the local system. To remove these ...
    Rule High Severity
  • Telnet

    The telnet protocol does not provide confidentiality or integrity for information transmitted on the network. This includes authentication informat...

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