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CIS Ubuntu 22.04 Level 2 Server Benchmark

Rules and Groups employed by this XCCDF Profile

  • Enable rsyslog Service

    The <code>rsyslog</code> service provides syslog-style logging by default on Ubuntu 22.04. The <code>rsyslog</code> service can be enabled with the following command: <pre>$ sudo systemctl enable ...
    Rule Medium Severity
  • Ensure rsyslog Default File Permissions Configured

    rsyslog will create logfiles that do not already exist on the system. This settings controls what permissions will be applied to these newly created files.
    Rule Medium Severity
  • systemd-journald

    systemd-journald is a system service that collects and stores logging data. It creates and maintains structured, indexed journals based on logging information that is received from a variety of sou...
  • Install systemd-journal-remote Package

    Journald (via systemd-journal-remote ) supports the ability to send log events it gathers to a remote log host or to receive messages from remote hosts, thus enabling centralised log management.
    Rule Medium Severity
  • Enable systemd-journald Service

    The <code>systemd-journald</code> service is an essential component of systemd. The <code>systemd-journald</code> service can be enabled with the following command: <pre>$ sudo systemctl enable sy...
    Rule Medium Severity

The content of the drawer really is up to you. It could have form fields, definition lists, text lists, labels, charts, progress bars, etc. Spacing recommendation is 24px margins. You can put tabs in here, and can also make the drawer scrollable.
