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I - Mission Critical Classified

Rules and Groups employed by this XCCDF Profile

  • The manufacturer’s default passwords have not been changed for all SAN management software.

    The changing of passwords from the default value blocks malicious users with knowledge of the default passwords for the manufacturer's SAN Management software from creating a denial of service by d...
    Rule High Severity
  • SAN Fabric Zoning List Deny-By-Default

  • The SAN fabric zoning lists are not based on a policy of Deny-by-Default with blocks on all services and protocols not required on the given port or by the site.

    By using the Deny-by-Default based policy, any service or protocol not required by a port and overlooked in the zoning list will be denied access. If Deny-by-Default based policy was not used any ...
    Rule High Severity
  • Logging Failed Access to Port, Protocols, Services

  • Attempts to access ports, protocols, or services that are denied are not logged..

    Logging or auditing of failed access attempts is a necessary component for the forensic investigation of security incidents. Without logging there is no way to demonstrate that the access attempt ...
    Rule Low Severity

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