II - Mission Support Sensitive
Rules and Groups employed by this XCCDF Profile
Group -
OHS must have the LoadModule proxy_http_module directive disabled.
A web server should be primarily a web server or a proxy server but not both, for the same reasons that other multi-use servers are not recommended. Scanning for web servers that will also proxy r...Rule Medium Severity -
Group -
OHS must have the LoadModule proxy_ftp_module directive disabled.
A web server should be primarily a web server or a proxy server but not both, for the same reasons that other multi-use servers are not recommended. Scanning for web servers that will also proxy r...Rule Medium Severity -
Group -
OHS must have the LoadModule proxy_connect_module directive disabled.
A web server should be primarily a web server or a proxy server but not both, for the same reasons that other multi-use servers are not recommended. Scanning for web servers that will also proxy r...Rule Medium Severity -
Group -
OHS must have the LoadModule proxy_balancer_module directive disabled.
A web server should be primarily a web server or a proxy server but not both, for the same reasons that other multi-use servers are not recommended. Scanning for web servers that will also proxy r...Rule Medium Severity -
Group -
OHS must disable the directive pointing to the directory containing the OHS manuals.
Web server documentation, sample code, example applications, and tutorials may be an exploitable threat to a web server because this type of code has not been evaluated and approved. A production w...Rule Low Severity -
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OHS must have the AliasMatch directive disabled for the OHS manuals.
Web server documentation, sample code, example applications, and tutorials may be an exploitable threat to a web server because this type of code has not been evaluated and approved. A production w...Rule Medium Severity -
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OHS must have the AddHandler directive disabled.
Controlling what a user of a hosted application can access is part of the security posture of the web server. Any time a user can access more functionality than is needed for the operation of the h...Rule Medium Severity -
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OHS must have the LoadModule cgi_module directive disabled.
Scripts allow server side processing on behalf of the hosted application user or as processes needed in the implementation of hosted applications. Removing scripts not needed for application operat...Rule Medium Severity -
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OHS must have the LoadModule cgid_module directive disabled.
Scripts allow server side processing on behalf of the hosted application user or as processes needed in the implementation of hosted applications. Removing scripts not needed for application operat...Rule Medium Severity -
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OHS must have the IfModule cgid_module directive disabled for the OHS server, virtual host, and directory configuration.
Scripts allow server side processing on behalf of the hosted application user or as processes needed in the implementation of hosted applications. Removing scripts not needed for application operat...Rule Medium Severity -
Group -
OHS must have the LoadModule cgi_module directive disabled within the IfModule mpm_winnt_module directive.
Scripts allow server side processing on behalf of the hosted application user or as processes needed in the implementation of hosted applications. Removing scripts not needed for application operat...Rule Low Severity -
Group -
OHS must have the ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ directive within a IfModule alias_module directive disabled.
Scripts allow server side processing on behalf of the hosted application user or as processes needed in the implementation of hosted applications. Removing scripts not needed for application operat...Rule Medium Severity -
Group -
OHS must have the ScriptSock directive within a IfModule cgid_module directive disabled.
Scripts allow server side processing on behalf of the hosted application user or as processes needed in the implementation of hosted applications. Removing scripts not needed for application operat...Rule Medium Severity -
Group -
OHS must have the cgi-bin directory disabled.
Scripts allow server side processing on behalf of the hosted application user or as processes needed in the implementation of hosted applications. Removing scripts not needed for application operat...Rule Medium Severity -
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OHS must have directives pertaining to certain scripting languages removed from virtual hosts.
Scripts allow server side processing on behalf of the hosted application user or as processes needed in the implementation of hosted applications. Removing scripts not needed for application operat...Rule Medium Severity -
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OHS must have resource mappings set to disable the serving of certain file types.
Resource mapping is the process of tying a particular file type to a process in the web server that can serve that type of file to a requesting client and to identify which file types are not to be...Rule Medium Severity -
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Users and scripts running on behalf of users must be contained to the document root or home directory tree of OHS.
A web server is designed to deliver content and execute scripts or applications on the request of a client or user. Containing user requests to files in the directory tree of the hosted web applic...Rule Medium Severity -
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OHS must be configured to use a specified IP address, port, and protocol.
The web server must be configured to listen on a specified IP address and port. Without specifying an IP address and port for the web server to utilize, the web server will listen on all IP addres...Rule Medium Severity -
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The Node Manager account password associated with the installation of OHS must be in accordance with DoD guidance for length, complexity, etc.
During installation of the web server software, accounts are created for the web server to operate properly. The accounts installed can have either no password installed or a default password, whic...Rule Medium Severity -
Group -
OHS must have Entity tags (ETags) disabled.
Entity tags (ETags) are used for cache management to save network bandwidth by not sending a web page to the requesting client if the cached version on the client is current. When the client only ...Rule Medium Severity -
Group -
The SecureListener property of the Node Manager configured to support OHS must be enabled for secure communication.
Oracle Node Manager is the utility that is used to perform common operational tasks for OHS. To protect the information being sent between WebLogic Scripting Tool and Node Manager, the Node Manage...Rule Medium Severity -
Group -
The ListenAddress property of the Node Manager configured to support OHS must match the CN of the certificate used by Node Manager.
Oracle Node Manager is the utility that is used to perform common operational tasks for OHS. For connections to be made to the Node Manager, it must listen on an assigned address. When this param...Rule Medium Severity -
Group -
The AuthenticationEnabled property of the Node Manager configured to support OHS must be configured to enforce authentication.
Oracle Node Manager is the utility that is used to perform common operational tasks for OHS. To accept connections from the WebLogic Scripting Tool, the Node Manager can be setup to authenticate t...Rule Medium Severity -
Group -
The KeyStores property of the Node Manager configured to support OHS must be configured for secure communication.
Oracle Node Manager is a utility that can be used to perform common operational tasks across Managed Servers. These servers can be distributed across multiple machines and geographical locations. ...Rule Medium Severity -
Group -
The CustomIdentityKeyStoreFileName property of the Node Manager configured to support OHS must be configured for secure communication.
Oracle Node Manager is the utility that is used to perform common operational tasks for OHS. The "CustomIdentityKeyStoreFileName" property specifies the file name of the identity keystore. This p...Rule Medium Severity
Node 2
The content of the drawer really is up to you. It could have form fields, definition lists, text lists, labels, charts, progress bars, etc. Spacing recommendation is 24px margins. You can put tabs in here, and can also make the drawer scrollable.