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NIST National Checklist Program Security Guide

Rules and Groups employed by this XCCDF Profile

  • Network Time Protocol

    The Network Time Protocol is used to manage the system clock over a network. Computer clocks are not very accurate, so time will drift unpredictabl...
  • Enable the NTP Daemon

    Run the following command to determine the current status of the <code>chronyd</code> service: <pre>$ sudo systemctl is-active chronyd</pre> If t...
    Rule Medium Severity
  • Specify Additional Remote NTP Servers

    Depending on specific functional requirements of a concrete production environment, the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 system can be configured to util...
    Rule Medium Severity
  • Specify a Remote NTP Server

    Depending on specific functional requirements of a concrete production environment, the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 system can be configured to util...
    Rule Medium Severity
  • Obsolete Services

    This section discusses a number of network-visible services which have historically caused problems for system security, and for which disabling or...

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