II - Mission Support Classified
Rules and Groups employed by this XCCDF Profile
DTOO139 - Save files default format
Group -
The Save commands default file format must be configured.
When users create new PowerPoint files, PowerPoint 2013 saves them in the new *.pptx format. Ensure this setting is enabled to specify that all new files are created in PowerPoint 2013. If a new ...Rule Medium Severity -
DTOO146-Disable Trust access to VB Project Macros
Group -
Trust access for VBA must be disallowed.
VSTO projects require access to the Visual Basic for Applications project system in Excel, PowerPoint, and Word, even though the projects do not use Visual Basic for Applications. Design-time suppo...Rule Medium Severity -
DTOO304 - VBA Macro Warning settings
Group -
Warning Bar settings for VBA macros must be configured.
When users open files containing VBA macros, applications open the files with the macros disabled and displays the Trust Bar with a warning that macros are present and have been disabled. Users may...Rule Medium Severity -
DTOO290 - Make Hidden marks visible in PowerPoint
Group -
Hidden markup options must be visible.
PowerPoint presentations that are saved in standard or HTML format can contain a flag indicating whether markup (comments or ink annotations) in the presentation should be visible when the presenta...Rule Medium Severity -
DTOO289 - Running programs in PowerPoint
Group -
The ability to run programs from a PowerPoint presentation must be disallowed.
Action buttons can be used to launch external programs from PowerPoint presentations. If a malicious person adds an action button to a presentation that launches a dangerous program, it could signi...Rule Medium Severity -
DTOO291 - Linked images
Group -
Automatic download of linked images must be disallowed.
When users insert images into PowerPoint presentations, they can select Link to File instead of Insert. If they do so, the image is represented by a link to a file on disk instead of being embedded...Rule Medium Severity -
DTOO126 - Add-on Management
Group -
Add-on Management functionality must be allowed in PowerPoint.
Internet Explorer add-ons are pieces of code, run in Internet Explorer, to provide additional functionality. Rogue add-ons may contain viruses or other malicious code. Disabling or not configuring ...Rule Medium Severity -
DTOO209 - Zone Elevation Protection
Group -
Protection from zone elevation must be enforced in PowerPoint.
Internet Explorer places restrictions on each web page users can use the browser to open. Web pages on a user's local computer have the fewest security restrictions and reside in the Local Machine ...Rule Medium Severity -
DTOO211 - Restrict ActiveX Install
Group -
ActiveX Installs must be configured for proper restriction in PowerPoint.
Microsoft ActiveX controls allow unmanaged, unprotected code to run on the user computers. ActiveX controls do not run within a protected container in the browser like the other types of HTML or Mi...Rule Medium Severity -
DTOO132 - Restrict File Download
Group -
File Downloads must be configured for proper restrictions in PowerPoint.
Disabling this setting allows websites to present file download prompts via code without the user specifically initiating the download. User preferences may also allow the download to occur withou...Rule Medium Severity
Node 2
The content of the drawer really is up to you. It could have form fields, definition lists, text lists, labels, charts, progress bars, etc. Spacing recommendation is 24px margins. You can put tabs in here, and can also make the drawer scrollable.