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DISA STIG with GUI for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7

Rules and Groups employed by this XCCDF Profile

  • Ensure System is Not Acting as a Network Sniffer

    The system should not be acting as a network sniffer, which can capture all traffic on the network to which it is connected. Run the following to d...
    Rule Medium Severity
  • firewalld

    The dynamic firewall daemon <code>firewalld</code> provides a dynamically managed firewall with support for network “zones” to assign a level of tr...
  • Inspect and Activate Default firewalld Rules

    Firewalls can be used to separate networks into different zones based on the level of trust the user has decided to place on the devices and traffi...
  • Verify firewalld Enabled

    The firewalld service can be enabled with the following command:
    $ sudo systemctl enable firewalld.service
    Rule Medium Severity
  • Strengthen the Default Ruleset

    The default rules can be strengthened. The system scripts that activate the firewall rules expect them to be defined in configuration files under t...
  • Configure the Firewalld Ports

    Configure the <code>firewalld</code> ports to allow approved services to have access to the system. To configure <code>firewalld</code> to open por...
    Rule Medium Severity
  • Set Default firewalld Zone for Incoming Packets

    To set the default zone to <code>drop</code> for the built-in default zone which processes incoming IPv4 and IPv6 packets, modify the following lin...
    Rule Medium Severity
  • IPSec Support

    Support for Internet Protocol Security (IPsec) is provided with Libreswan.
  • Verify Any Configured IPSec Tunnel Connections

    Libreswan provides an implementation of IPsec and IKE, which permits the creation of secure tunnels over untrusted networks. As such, IPsec can be ...
    Rule Medium Severity
  • IPv6

    The system includes support for Internet Protocol version 6. A major and often-mentioned improvement over IPv4 is its enormous increase in the numb...

The content of the drawer really is up to you. It could have form fields, definition lists, text lists, labels, charts, progress bars, etc. Spacing recommendation is 24px margins. You can put tabs in here, and can also make the drawer scrollable.
