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II - Mission Support Sensitive

Rules and Groups employed by this XCCDF Profile

  • Information Assurance - KVM Switch Use of Hot-Keys on SIPRNet Connected Devices

    Use of "Hot Keys" for switching between devices relies on use of software to separate and switch between the devices. Unless software use involves an approved Cross Domain Solution (CDS) it can re...
    Rule Medium Severity
  • IA-10.03.01

  • Information Assurance - Authorizing Official (AO) and DoDIN Connection Approval Office (CAO) Approval Documentation for use of KVM and A/B switches for Sharing of Classified and Unclassified Peripheral Devices

    Failure to request approval for connection of existing or additional KVM or A/B devices (switch boxes) for use in switching between classified (e.g., SIPRNet) devices and unclassified devices (e.g....
    Rule Low Severity
  • IA-11.01.01

  • Information Assurance - Classified Portable Electronic Devices (PEDs) Connected to the SIPRNet must be Authorized, Compliant with NSA Guidelines, and be Configured for Data at Rest (DAR) Protection

    Finding unauthorized and/or improperly configured wireless devices (PEDs) connected to and/or operating on the SIPRNet is a security incident and could directly result in the loss or compromise of ...
    Rule High Severity

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