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II - Mission Support Classified

Rules and Groups employed by this XCCDF Profile

  • FN-05.02.02

  • Foreign National (FN) Administrative Controls - Procedures for Requests to Provide Foreign Nationals System Access

    Unauthorized access by foreign nationals to Information Systems can result in, among other things, security incidents, compromise of the system, or the introduction of a virus. REFERENCES: Nation...
    Rule Medium Severity
  • FN-05.03.01

  • Foreign National (FN) Administrative Controls - Contact Officer Appointment

    Failure to provide proper oversight of Foreign National partners or employees and limit access to classified and sensitive information can result in the loss or compromise of NOFORN information. R...
    Rule Low Severity
  • IA-01.03.01

  • Information Assurance - System Security Operating Procedures (SOPs)

    Failure to have documented procedures in an SOP could result in a security incident due to lack of knowledge by personnel assigned to the organization. REFERENCES: CJCSI 6510.01F, INFORMATION ASS...
    Rule Low Severity
  • IA-02.02.01

  • Information Assurance - COOP Plan and Testing (Not in Place for Information Technology Systems or Not Considered in the organizational Holistic Risk Assessment)

    Failure to develop a COOP and test it periodically can result in the partial or total loss of operations and INFOSEC. A contingency plan is necessary to reduce mission impact in the event of system...
    Rule Medium Severity
  • IA-02.03.01

  • Information Assurance - COOP Plan or Testing (Incomplete)

    Failure to develop a COOP and test it periodically can result in the partial or total loss of operations and INFOSEC. A contingency plan is necessary to reduce mission impact in the event of system...
    Rule Low Severity

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