Create a key database and set up the digital certificates.
The following command creates a key database called mydbserver.kdb and a stash file called mydbserver.sth:
$gsk8capicmd_64 -keydb -create -db "mydbserver.kdb" -pw "myServerPassw0rdpw0" -stash
When you create a key database, it is automatically populated with signer certificates from a few certificate authorities (CAs), such as Verisign.
Add a certificate for your server to your key database.
To obtain a certificate, you can either use GSKCapiCmd to create a new certificate request and submit it to a CA to be signed, or you can create a self-signed certificate for testing purposes.
Following is an example of command to create a self-signed certificate with a label of myselfsigned, use the GSKCapiCmd command as shown in the following command:
$gsk8capicmd_64 -cert -create -db "mydbserver.kdb" -pw "myServerPassw0rdpw0" -label "myselfsigned" -dn ",O=myOrganization, OU=myOrganizationUnit,L=myLocation,ST=ON,C=CA"
-- Use the GSKCapiCmd tool to create the key database. It must be a Certificate Management System (CMS) type key database.
The GSKCapiCmd is a non-Java-based command-line tool, and Java does not need to be installed on the system to use this tool.
You invoke GSKCapiCmd using the GSKCAPICMD command, as described in the GSKCapiCmd User's Guide.
The path for the command is sqllib/gskit/bin on Linux and UNIX platforms, and C:\Program Files\IBM\GSK8\bin on both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows platforms.
On 64-bit platforms, the 32-bit GSKit executable files and libraries are also present; in this case, the path for the command is C:\ProgramFiles (x86)\IBM\GSK8\bin. - Ensure PATH (on the Windows platform) includes the proper GSKit library path, and LIBPATH, SHLIB_PATH, or LD_LIBRARY_PATH (on UNIX or Linux platforms) include the proper GSKit library path, such as sqllib/lib64/gskit.
The -stash option creates a stash file at the same path as the key database, with a file extension of .sth. At instance start-up, GSKit uses the stash file to obtain the password to the key database.
To extract the certificate you created to a file, so that you can distribute it to computers running clients that will be establishing SSL connections to your DB2 server.
Run the following GSKCapiCmd command extracts the certificate to a file called mydbserver.arm:
$gsk8capicmd_64 -cert -extract -db "mydbserver.kdb" -pw "myServerPassw0rdpw0" -label "myselfsigned" -target "mydbserver.arm" -format ascii –fips