- name: Gather the package facts
manager: auto
- CCE-85682-3
- DISA-STIG-SLES-15-030150 - NIST-800-171-3.1.7
- NIST-800-53-AU-12(a)
- NIST-800-53-AU-12(c)
- NIST-800-53-AU-12.1(ii)
- NIST-800-53-AU-12.1(iv)
- NIST-800-53-AU-3
- NIST-800-53-AU-3.1
- NIST-800-53-MA-4(1)(a)
- PCI-DSS-Req-10.2.1
- PCI-DSS-Req-10.2.4
- audit_rules_unsuccessful_file_modification_openat
- low_complexity
- low_disruption
- medium_severity
- reboot_required
- restrict_strategy
- name: Set architecture for audit openat tasks
audit_arch: b64
- '"audit" in ansible_facts.packages'
- '"kernel-default" in ansible_facts.packages'
- ansible_architecture == "aarch64" or ansible_architecture == "ppc64" or ansible_architecture
== "ppc64le" or ansible_architecture == "s390x" or ansible_architecture == "x86_64"
- CCE-85682-3
- DISA-STIG-SLES-15-030150
- NIST-800-171-3.1.7
- NIST-800-53-AU-12(a)
- NIST-800-53-AU-12(c)
- NIST-800-53-AU-12.1(ii)
- NIST-800-53-AU-12.1(iv)
- NIST-800-53-AU-3
- NIST-800-53-AU-3.1
- NIST-800-53-MA-4(1)(a)
- PCI-DSS-Req-10.2.1
- PCI-DSS-Req-10.2.4
- audit_rules_unsuccessful_file_modification_openat
- low_complexity
- low_disruption
- medium_severity
- reboot_required
- restrict_strategy
- name: Perform remediation of Audit rules for openat EACCES for 32bit platform
- name: Declare list of syscalls
- openat
- creat
- ftruncate
- truncate
- open
- openat
- open_by_handle_at
- name: Check existence of openat in /etc/audit/rules.d/
paths: /etc/audit/rules.d
contains: -a always,exit -F arch=b32(( -S |,)\w+)*(( -S |,){{ item }})+(( -S
|,)\w+)* -F exit=-EACCES -F auid>=1000 -F auid!=unset (-k\s+|-F\s+key=)\S+\s*$
patterns: '*.rules'
register: find_command
loop: '{{ (syscall_grouping + syscalls) | unique }}'
- name: Reset syscalls found per file
syscalls_per_file: {}
found_paths_dict: {}
- name: Declare syscalls found per file
set_fact: syscalls_per_file="{{ syscalls_per_file | combine( {item.files[0].path
:[item.item] + syscalls_per_file.get(item.files[0].path, []) } ) }}"
loop: '{{ find_command.results | selectattr(''matched'') | list }}'
- name: Declare files where syscalls were found
set_fact: found_paths="{{ find_command.results | map(attribute='files') | flatten
| map(attribute='path') | list }}"
- name: Count occurrences of syscalls in paths
set_fact: found_paths_dict="{{ found_paths_dict | combine({ item:1+found_paths_dict.get(item,
0) }) }}"
loop: '{{ find_command.results | map(attribute=''files'') | flatten | map(attribute=''path'')
| list }}'
- name: Get path with most syscalls
set_fact: audit_file="{{ (found_paths_dict | dict2items() | sort(attribute='value')
| last).key }}"
when: found_paths | length >= 1
- name: No file with syscall found, set path to /etc/audit/rules.d/access.rules
set_fact: audit_file="/etc/audit/rules.d/access.rules"
when: found_paths | length == 0
- name: Declare found syscalls
set_fact: syscalls_found="{{ find_command.results | selectattr('matched') | map(attribute='item')
| list }}"
- name: Declare missing syscalls
set_fact: missing_syscalls="{{ syscalls | difference(syscalls_found) }}"
- name: Replace the audit rule in {{ audit_file }}
path: '{{ audit_file }}'
regexp: (-a always,exit -F arch=b32)(?=.*(?:(?:-S |,)(?:{{ syscalls_per_file[audit_file]
| join("|") }}))\b)((?:( -S |,)\w+)+)( -F exit=-EACCES -F auid>=1000 -F auid!=unset
(?:-k |-F key=)\w+)
line: \1\2\3{{ missing_syscalls | join("\3") }}\4
backrefs: true
state: present
when: syscalls_found | length > 0 and missing_syscalls | length > 0
- name: Add the audit rule to {{ audit_file }}
path: '{{ audit_file }}'
line: -a always,exit -F arch=b32 -S {{ syscalls | join(',') }} -F exit=-EACCES
-F auid>=1000 -F auid!=unset -F key=access
create: true
mode: o-rwx
state: present
when: syscalls_found | length == 0
- name: Declare list of syscalls
- openat
- creat
- ftruncate
- truncate
- open
- openat
- open_by_handle_at
- name: Check existence of openat in /etc/audit/audit.rules
paths: /etc/audit
contains: -a always,exit -F arch=b32(( -S |,)\w+)*(( -S |,){{ item }})+(( -S
|,)\w+)* -F exit=-EACCES -F auid>=1000 -F auid!=unset (-k\s+|-F\s+key=)\S+\s*$
patterns: audit.rules
register: find_command
loop: '{{ (syscall_grouping + syscalls) | unique }}'
- name: Set path to /etc/audit/audit.rules
set_fact: audit_file="/etc/audit/audit.rules"
- name: Declare found syscalls
set_fact: syscalls_found="{{ find_command.results | selectattr('matched') | map(attribute='item')
| list }}"
- name: Declare missing syscalls
set_fact: missing_syscalls="{{ syscalls | difference(syscalls_found) }}"
- name: Replace the audit rule in {{ audit_file }}
path: '{{ audit_file }}'
regexp: (-a always,exit -F arch=b32)(?=.*(?:(?:-S |,)(?:{{ syscalls_found |
join("|") }}))\b)((?:( -S |,)\w+)+)( -F exit=-EACCES -F auid>=1000 -F auid!=unset
(?:-k |-F key=)\w+)
line: \1\2\3{{ missing_syscalls | join("\3") }}\4
backrefs: true
state: present
when: syscalls_found | length > 0 and missing_syscalls | length > 0
- name: Add the audit rule to {{ audit_file }}
path: '{{ audit_file }}'
line: -a always,exit -F arch=b32 -S {{ syscalls | join(',') }} -F exit=-EACCES
-F auid>=1000 -F auid!=unset -F key=access
create: true
mode: o-rwx
state: present
when: syscalls_found | length == 0
- '"audit" in ansible_facts.packages'
- '"kernel-default" in ansible_facts.packages'
- CCE-85682-3
- DISA-STIG-SLES-15-030150
- NIST-800-171-3.1.7
- NIST-800-53-AU-12(a)
- NIST-800-53-AU-12(c)
- NIST-800-53-AU-12.1(ii)
- NIST-800-53-AU-12.1(iv)
- NIST-800-53-AU-3
- NIST-800-53-AU-3.1
- NIST-800-53-MA-4(1)(a)
- PCI-DSS-Req-10.2.1
- PCI-DSS-Req-10.2.4
- audit_rules_unsuccessful_file_modification_openat
- low_complexity
- low_disruption
- medium_severity
- reboot_required
- restrict_strategy
- name: Perform remediation of Audit rules for openat EACCES for 64bit platform
- name: Declare list of syscalls
- openat
- creat
- ftruncate
- truncate
- open
- openat
- open_by_handle_at
- name: Check existence of openat in /etc/audit/rules.d/
paths: /etc/audit/rules.d
contains: -a always,exit -F arch=b64(( -S |,)\w+)*(( -S |,){{ item }})+(( -S
|,)\w+)* -F exit=-EACCES -F auid>=1000 -F auid!=unset (-k\s+|-F\s+key=)\S+\s*$
patterns: '*.rules'
register: find_command
loop: '{{ (syscall_grouping + syscalls) | unique }}'
- name: Reset syscalls found per file
syscalls_per_file: {}
found_paths_dict: {}
- name: Declare syscalls found per file
set_fact: syscalls_per_file="{{ syscalls_per_file | combine( {item.files[0].path
:[item.item] + syscalls_per_file.get(item.files[0].path, []) } ) }}"
loop: '{{ find_command.results | selectattr(''matched'') | list }}'
- name: Declare files where syscalls were found
set_fact: found_paths="{{ find_command.results | map(attribute='files') | flatten
| map(attribute='path') | list }}"
- name: Count occurrences of syscalls in paths
set_fact: found_paths_dict="{{ found_paths_dict | combine({ item:1+found_paths_dict.get(item,
0) }) }}"
loop: '{{ find_command.results | map(attribute=''files'') | flatten | map(attribute=''path'')
| list }}'
- name: Get path with most syscalls
set_fact: audit_file="{{ (found_paths_dict | dict2items() | sort(attribute='value')
| last).key }}"
when: found_paths | length >= 1
- name: No file with syscall found, set path to /etc/audit/rules.d/access.rules
set_fact: audit_file="/etc/audit/rules.d/access.rules"
when: found_paths | length == 0
- name: Declare found syscalls
set_fact: syscalls_found="{{ find_command.results | selectattr('matched') | map(attribute='item')
| list }}"
- name: Declare missing syscalls
set_fact: missing_syscalls="{{ syscalls | difference(syscalls_found) }}"
- name: Replace the audit rule in {{ audit_file }}
path: '{{ audit_file }}'
regexp: (-a always,exit -F arch=b64)(?=.*(?:(?:-S |,)(?:{{ syscalls_per_file[audit_file]
| join("|") }}))\b)((?:( -S |,)\w+)+)( -F exit=-EACCES -F auid>=1000 -F auid!=unset
(?:-k |-F key=)\w+)
line: \1\2\3{{ missing_syscalls | join("\3") }}\4
backrefs: true
state: present
when: syscalls_found | length > 0 and missing_syscalls | length > 0
- name: Add the audit rule to {{ audit_file }}
path: '{{ audit_file }}'
line: -a always,exit -F arch=b64 -S {{ syscalls | join(',') }} -F exit=-EACCES
-F auid>=1000 -F auid!=unset -F key=access
create: true
mode: o-rwx
state: present
when: syscalls_found | length == 0
- name: Declare list of syscalls
- openat
- creat
- ftruncate
- truncate
- open
- openat
- open_by_handle_at
- name: Check existence of openat in /etc/audit/audit.rules
paths: /etc/audit
contains: -a always,exit -F arch=b64(( -S |,)\w+)*(( -S |,){{ item }})+(( -S
|,)\w+)* -F exit=-EACCES -F auid>=1000 -F auid!=unset (-k\s+|-F\s+key=)\S+\s*$
patterns: audit.rules
register: find_command
loop: '{{ (syscall_grouping + syscalls) | unique }}'
- name: Set path to /etc/audit/audit.rules
set_fact: audit_file="/etc/audit/audit.rules"
- name: Declare found syscalls
set_fact: syscalls_found="{{ find_command.results | selectattr('matched') | map(attribute='item')
| list }}"
- name: Declare missing syscalls
set_fact: missing_syscalls="{{ syscalls | difference(syscalls_found) }}"
- name: Replace the audit rule in {{ audit_file }}
path: '{{ audit_file }}'
regexp: (-a always,exit -F arch=b64)(?=.*(?:(?:-S |,)(?:{{ syscalls_found |
join("|") }}))\b)((?:( -S |,)\w+)+)( -F exit=-EACCES -F auid>=1000 -F auid!=unset
(?:-k |-F key=)\w+)
line: \1\2\3{{ missing_syscalls | join("\3") }}\4
backrefs: true
state: present
when: syscalls_found | length > 0 and missing_syscalls | length > 0
- name: Add the audit rule to {{ audit_file }}
path: '{{ audit_file }}'
line: -a always,exit -F arch=b64 -S {{ syscalls | join(',') }} -F exit=-EACCES
-F auid>=1000 -F auid!=unset -F key=access
create: true
mode: o-rwx
state: present
when: syscalls_found | length == 0
- '"audit" in ansible_facts.packages'
- '"kernel-default" in ansible_facts.packages'
- audit_arch == "b64"
- CCE-85682-3
- DISA-STIG-SLES-15-030150
- NIST-800-171-3.1.7
- NIST-800-53-AU-12(a)
- NIST-800-53-AU-12(c)
- NIST-800-53-AU-12.1(ii)
- NIST-800-53-AU-12.1(iv)
- NIST-800-53-AU-3
- NIST-800-53-AU-3.1
- NIST-800-53-MA-4(1)(a)
- PCI-DSS-Req-10.2.1
- PCI-DSS-Req-10.2.4
- audit_rules_unsuccessful_file_modification_openat
- low_complexity
- low_disruption
- medium_severity
- reboot_required
- restrict_strategy
- name: Perform remediation of Audit rules for openat EPERM for 32bit platform
- name: Declare list of syscalls
- openat
- creat
- ftruncate
- truncate
- open
- openat
- open_by_handle_at
- name: Check existence of openat in /etc/audit/rules.d/
paths: /etc/audit/rules.d
contains: -a always,exit -F arch=b32(( -S |,)\w+)*(( -S |,){{ item }})+(( -S
|,)\w+)* -F exit=-EPERM -F auid>=1000 -F auid!=unset (-k\s+|-F\s+key=)\S+\s*$
patterns: '*.rules'
register: find_command
loop: '{{ (syscall_grouping + syscalls) | unique }}'
- name: Reset syscalls found per file
syscalls_per_file: {}
found_paths_dict: {}
- name: Declare syscalls found per file
set_fact: syscalls_per_file="{{ syscalls_per_file | combine( {item.files[0].path
:[item.item] + syscalls_per_file.get(item.files[0].path, []) } ) }}"
loop: '{{ find_command.results | selectattr(''matched'') | list }}'
- name: Declare files where syscalls were found
set_fact: found_paths="{{ find_command.results | map(attribute='files') | flatten
| map(attribute='path') | list }}"
- name: Count occurrences of syscalls in paths
set_fact: found_paths_dict="{{ found_paths_dict | combine({ item:1+found_paths_dict.get(item,
0) }) }}"
loop: '{{ find_command.results | map(attribute=''files'') | flatten | map(attribute=''path'')
| list }}'
- name: Get path with most syscalls
set_fact: audit_file="{{ (found_paths_dict | dict2items() | sort(attribute='value')
| last).key }}"
when: found_paths | length >= 1
- name: No file with syscall found, set path to /etc/audit/rules.d/access.rules
set_fact: audit_file="/etc/audit/rules.d/access.rules"
when: found_paths | length == 0
- name: Declare found syscalls
set_fact: syscalls_found="{{ find_command.results | selectattr('matched') | map(attribute='item')
| list }}"
- name: Declare missing syscalls
set_fact: missing_syscalls="{{ syscalls | difference(syscalls_found) }}"
- name: Replace the audit rule in {{ audit_file }}
path: '{{ audit_file }}'
regexp: (-a always,exit -F arch=b32)(?=.*(?:(?:-S |,)(?:{{ syscalls_per_file[audit_file]
| join("|") }}))\b)((?:( -S |,)\w+)+)( -F exit=-EPERM -F auid>=1000 -F auid!=unset
(?:-k |-F key=)\w+)
line: \1\2\3{{ missing_syscalls | join("\3") }}\4
backrefs: true
state: present
when: syscalls_found | length > 0 and missing_syscalls | length > 0
- name: Add the audit rule to {{ audit_file }}
path: '{{ audit_file }}'
line: -a always,exit -F arch=b32 -S {{ syscalls | join(',') }} -F exit=-EPERM
-F auid>=1000 -F auid!=unset -F key=access
create: true
mode: o-rwx
state: present
when: syscalls_found | length == 0
- name: Declare list of syscalls
- openat
- creat
- ftruncate
- truncate
- open
- openat
- open_by_handle_at
- name: Check existence of openat in /etc/audit/audit.rules
paths: /etc/audit
contains: -a always,exit -F arch=b32(( -S |,)\w+)*(( -S |,){{ item }})+(( -S
|,)\w+)* -F exit=-EPERM -F auid>=1000 -F auid!=unset (-k\s+|-F\s+key=)\S+\s*$
patterns: audit.rules
register: find_command
loop: '{{ (syscall_grouping + syscalls) | unique }}'
- name: Set path to /etc/audit/audit.rules
set_fact: audit_file="/etc/audit/audit.rules"
- name: Declare found syscalls
set_fact: syscalls_found="{{ find_command.results | selectattr('matched') | map(attribute='item')
| list }}"
- name: Declare missing syscalls
set_fact: missing_syscalls="{{ syscalls | difference(syscalls_found) }}"
- name: Replace the audit rule in {{ audit_file }}
path: '{{ audit_file }}'
regexp: (-a always,exit -F arch=b32)(?=.*(?:(?:-S |,)(?:{{ syscalls_found |
join("|") }}))\b)((?:( -S |,)\w+)+)( -F exit=-EPERM -F auid>=1000 -F auid!=unset
(?:-k |-F key=)\w+)
line: \1\2\3{{ missing_syscalls | join("\3") }}\4
backrefs: true
state: present
when: syscalls_found | length > 0 and missing_syscalls | length > 0
- name: Add the audit rule to {{ audit_file }}
path: '{{ audit_file }}'
line: -a always,exit -F arch=b32 -S {{ syscalls | join(',') }} -F exit=-EPERM
-F auid>=1000 -F auid!=unset -F key=access
create: true
mode: o-rwx
state: present
when: syscalls_found | length == 0
- '"audit" in ansible_facts.packages'
- '"kernel-default" in ansible_facts.packages'
- CCE-85682-3
- DISA-STIG-SLES-15-030150
- NIST-800-171-3.1.7
- NIST-800-53-AU-12(a)
- NIST-800-53-AU-12(c)
- NIST-800-53-AU-12.1(ii)
- NIST-800-53-AU-12.1(iv)
- NIST-800-53-AU-3
- NIST-800-53-AU-3.1
- NIST-800-53-MA-4(1)(a)
- PCI-DSS-Req-10.2.1
- PCI-DSS-Req-10.2.4
- audit_rules_unsuccessful_file_modification_openat
- low_complexity
- low_disruption
- medium_severity
- reboot_required
- restrict_strategy
- name: Perform remediation of Audit rules for openat EPERM for 64bit platform
- name: Declare list of syscalls
- openat
- creat
- ftruncate
- truncate
- open
- openat
- open_by_handle_at
- name: Check existence of openat in /etc/audit/rules.d/
paths: /etc/audit/rules.d
contains: -a always,exit -F arch=b64(( -S |,)\w+)*(( -S |,){{ item }})+(( -S
|,)\w+)* -F exit=-EPERM -F auid>=1000 -F auid!=unset (-k\s+|-F\s+key=)\S+\s*$
patterns: '*.rules'
register: find_command
loop: '{{ (syscall_grouping + syscalls) | unique }}'
- name: Reset syscalls found per file
syscalls_per_file: {}
found_paths_dict: {}
- name: Declare syscalls found per file
set_fact: syscalls_per_file="{{ syscalls_per_file | combine( {item.files[0].path
:[item.item] + syscalls_per_file.get(item.files[0].path, []) } ) }}"
loop: '{{ find_command.results | selectattr(''matched'') | list }}'
- name: Declare files where syscalls were found
set_fact: found_paths="{{ find_command.results | map(attribute='files') | flatten
| map(attribute='path') | list }}"
- name: Count occurrences of syscalls in paths
set_fact: found_paths_dict="{{ found_paths_dict | combine({ item:1+found_paths_dict.get(item,
0) }) }}"
loop: '{{ find_command.results | map(attribute=''files'') | flatten | map(attribute=''path'')
| list }}'
- name: Get path with most syscalls
set_fact: audit_file="{{ (found_paths_dict | dict2items() | sort(attribute='value')
| last).key }}"
when: found_paths | length >= 1
- name: No file with syscall found, set path to /etc/audit/rules.d/access.rules
set_fact: audit_file="/etc/audit/rules.d/access.rules"
when: found_paths | length == 0
- name: Declare found syscalls
set_fact: syscalls_found="{{ find_command.results | selectattr('matched') | map(attribute='item')
| list }}"
- name: Declare missing syscalls
set_fact: missing_syscalls="{{ syscalls | difference(syscalls_found) }}"
- name: Replace the audit rule in {{ audit_file }}
path: '{{ audit_file }}'
regexp: (-a always,exit -F arch=b64)(?=.*(?:(?:-S |,)(?:{{ syscalls_per_file[audit_file]
| join("|") }}))\b)((?:( -S |,)\w+)+)( -F exit=-EPERM -F auid>=1000 -F auid!=unset
(?:-k |-F key=)\w+)
line: \1\2\3{{ missing_syscalls | join("\3") }}\4
backrefs: true
state: present
when: syscalls_found | length > 0 and missing_syscalls | length > 0
- name: Add the audit rule to {{ audit_file }}
path: '{{ audit_file }}'
line: -a always,exit -F arch=b64 -S {{ syscalls | join(',') }} -F exit=-EPERM
-F auid>=1000 -F auid!=unset -F key=access
create: true
mode: o-rwx
state: present
when: syscalls_found | length == 0
- name: Declare list of syscalls
- openat
- creat
- ftruncate
- truncate
- open
- openat
- open_by_handle_at
- name: Check existence of openat in /etc/audit/audit.rules
paths: /etc/audit
contains: -a always,exit -F arch=b64(( -S |,)\w+)*(( -S |,){{ item }})+(( -S
|,)\w+)* -F exit=-EPERM -F auid>=1000 -F auid!=unset (-k\s+|-F\s+key=)\S+\s*$
patterns: audit.rules
register: find_command
loop: '{{ (syscall_grouping + syscalls) | unique }}'
- name: Set path to /etc/audit/audit.rules
set_fact: audit_file="/etc/audit/audit.rules"
- name: Declare found syscalls
set_fact: syscalls_found="{{ find_command.results | selectattr('matched') | map(attribute='item')
| list }}"
- name: Declare missing syscalls
set_fact: missing_syscalls="{{ syscalls | difference(syscalls_found) }}"
- name: Replace the audit rule in {{ audit_file }}
path: '{{ audit_file }}'
regexp: (-a always,exit -F arch=b64)(?=.*(?:(?:-S |,)(?:{{ syscalls_found |
join("|") }}))\b)((?:( -S |,)\w+)+)( -F exit=-EPERM -F auid>=1000 -F auid!=unset
(?:-k |-F key=)\w+)
line: \1\2\3{{ missing_syscalls | join("\3") }}\4
backrefs: true
state: present
when: syscalls_found | length > 0 and missing_syscalls | length > 0
- name: Add the audit rule to {{ audit_file }}
path: '{{ audit_file }}'
line: -a always,exit -F arch=b64 -S {{ syscalls | join(',') }} -F exit=-EPERM
-F auid>=1000 -F auid!=unset -F key=access
create: true
mode: o-rwx
state: present
when: syscalls_found | length == 0
- '"audit" in ansible_facts.packages'
- '"kernel-default" in ansible_facts.packages'
- audit_arch == "b64"
- CCE-85682-3
- DISA-STIG-SLES-15-030150
- NIST-800-171-3.1.7
- NIST-800-53-AU-12(a)
- NIST-800-53-AU-12(c)
- NIST-800-53-AU-12.1(ii)
- NIST-800-53-AU-12.1(iv)
- NIST-800-53-AU-3
- NIST-800-53-AU-3.1
- NIST-800-53-MA-4(1)(a)
- PCI-DSS-Req-10.2.1
- PCI-DSS-Req-10.2.4
- audit_rules_unsuccessful_file_modification_openat
- low_complexity
- low_disruption
- medium_severity
- reboot_required
- restrict_strategy