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Vault/Secure Room Storage Standards - Intrusion Detection System (IDS) / Automated Entry Control System (AECS) Primary and Emergency Power Supply



Failure to meet standards for ensuring that there is an adequate commercial and back-up power sources for IDS/AECS with uninterrupted failover to emergency power could result in a malfunction of the physical alarm and access control system. This could result in the undetected breach of classified open storage / secure rooms or vaults containing SIPRNet assets and undetected loss or compromise of classified material. REFERENCES: The Information Security Oversight Office (ISOO): Implementing Directive for Protection of Classified (for Executive Order 13526), 32 CFR Parts 2001 and 2003 Classified National Security Information: paragraph 2001.43 Storage, (2) Secret. CJCSI 6510.01F, INFORMATION ASSURANCE (IA) AND SUPPORT TO COMPUTER NETWORK DEFENSE (CND), Enclosure C, paragraph 34. NIST Special Publication 800-53 (SP 800-53), Rev 4, Controls: MP-4, PE-3, PE-5, PE-6(1) DoD Manual 5200.01, Volume 3, SUBJECT: DoD Information Security Program: Protection of Classified Information: Appendix to Enclosure 3, paragraphs 2.d.(7)(a) and (b). DoD 5220.22-M (NISPOM), Incorporating Change 2, 18 May 2016, Chapter 5, Section 9. Intrusion Detection Systems.


Remediation Templates

A Manual Procedure

Fixes - Primary Power:

Fix #1. Ensure primary power for all Intrusion Detection System (IDS) equipment and Automated Entry Control system (AECS) equipment is either commercial AC or DC power. 

Fix #2. Ensure that in the event of commercial power failure at either the secure room/area or monitor station, the equipment changes power sources without causing an intrusion alarm indication. An Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) will be required for this to occur.