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Guide to the Secure Configuration of openEuler 2203

Rules, Groups, and Values defined within the XCCDF Benchmark

  • Verify User Who Owns /etc/at.allow file

    If <code>/etc/at.allow</code> exists, it must be owned by <code>root</code>. To properly set the owner of <code>/etc/at.allow</code>, run the comm...
    Rule Medium Severity
  • Verify User Who Owns /etc/cron.allow file

    If <code>/etc/cron.allow</code> exists, it must be owned by <code>root</code>. To properly set the owner of <code>/etc/cron.allow</code>, run the ...
    Rule Medium Severity
  • Verify Permissions on /etc/at.allow file

    If <code>/etc/at.allow</code> exists, it must have permissions <code>0640</code> or more restrictive. To properly set the permissions of <code>/e...
    Rule Medium Severity
  • Verify Permissions on /etc/cron.allow file

    If <code>/etc/cron.allow</code> exists, it must have permissions <code>0640</code> or more restrictive. To properly set the permissions of <code>...
    Rule Medium Severity
  • DHCP

    The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) allows systems to request and obtain an IP address and other configuration parameters from a server....

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