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Guide to the Secure Configuration of openEuler 2203

Rules, Groups, and Values defined within the XCCDF Benchmark

  • Disable DNS Server

    DNS software should be disabled on any systems which does not need to be a nameserver. Note that the BIND DNS server software is not installed on o...
  • Samba(SMB) Microsoft Windows File Sharing Server

    When properly configured, the Samba service allows Linux systems to provide file and print sharing to Microsoft Windows systems. There are two soft...
  • SSH Max authentication attempts

    Specify the maximum number of authentication attempts per connection.
  • SSH Strong KEX by FIPS

    Specify the FIPS approved KEXs (Key Exchange Algorithms) algorithms that are used for methods in cryptography by which cryptographic keys are exch...
  • SSH Strong MACs by FIPS

    Specify the FIPS approved MACs (Message Authentication Code) algorithms that are used for data integrity protection by the SSH server.
  • SSH Max Sessions Count

    Specify the maximum number of open sessions permitted.
  • Configure OpenSSH Server if Necessary

    If the system needs to act as an SSH server, then certain changes should be made to the OpenSSH daemon configuration file <code>/etc/ssh/sshd_confi...
  • SSH LoginGraceTime setting

    Configure parameters for how long the servers stays connected before the user has successfully logged in
  • SSH MaxStartups setting

    Configure parameters for maximum concurrent unauthenticated connections to the SSH daemon.
  • Verify Permissions on Important Files and Directories

    Permissions for many files on a system must be set restrictively to ensure sensitive information is properly protected. This section discusses impo...

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