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APACHE 2.2 Server for UNIX Security Technical Implementation Guide

Rules, Groups, and Values defined within the XCCDF Benchmark

  • WA120

  • WG300

  • Web server system files must conform to minimum file permission requirements.

    This check verifies that the key web server system configuration files are owned by the SA or the web administrator controlled account. These same files that control the configuration of the web se...
    Rule Medium Severity
  • WG330

  • A public web server must limit email to outbound only.

    Incoming E-mail has been known to provide hackers with access to servers. Disabling the incoming mail service prevents this type of attacks. Additionally, Email represents the main use of the Inter...
    Rule Medium Severity
  • WG440

  • Monitoring software must include CGI or equivalent programs in its scope.

    By their very nature, CGI type files permit the anonymous web user to interact with data and perhaps store data on the web server. In many cases, CGI scripts exercise system-level control over the ...
    Rule Medium Severity
  • WA140

  • WG204

  • WG520

  • Web server and/or operating system information must be protected.

    The web server response header of an HTTP response can contain several fields of information including the requested HTML page. The information included in this response can be web server type and ...
    Rule Low Severity
  • WA230

  • WG355

  • Backup interactive scripts on the production web server are prohibited.

    Copies of backup files will not execute on the server, but they can be read by the anonymous user if special precautions are not taken. Such backup copies contain the same sensitive information as ...
    Rule Low Severity
  • Public web server resources must not be shared with private assets.

    It is important to segregate public web server resources from private resources located behind the DoD DMZ in order to protect private assets. When folders, drives or other resources are directly s...
    Rule Medium Severity
  • A public web server, if hosted on the NIPRNet, must be isolated in an accredited DoD DMZ Extension.

    To minimize exposure of private assets to unnecessary risk by attackers, public web servers must be isolated from internal systems. Public web servers are by nature more vulnerable to attack from ...
    Rule Medium Severity
  • Administrators must be the only users allowed access to the directory tree, the shell, or other operating system functions and utilities.

    As a rule, accounts on a web server are to be kept to a minimum. Only administrators, web managers, developers, auditors, and web authors require accounts on the machine hosting the web server. Thi...
    Rule High Severity
  • Administrative users and groups that have access rights to the web server must be documented.

    There are typically several individuals and groups that are involved in running a production web server. These accounts must be restricted to only those necessary to maintain web services, review ...
    Rule Low Severity
  • Web server content and configuration files must be part of a routine backup program.

    Backing up web server data and web server application software after upgrades or maintenance ensures that recovery can be accomplished up to the current version. It also provides a means to determi...
    Rule Low Severity
  • A web server must be segregated from other services.

    The web server installation and configuration plan should not support the co-hosting of multiple services such as Domain Name Service (DNS), e-mail, databases, search engines, indexing, or streamin...
    Rule Medium Severity

The content of the drawer really is up to you. It could have form fields, definition lists, text lists, labels, charts, progress bars, etc. Spacing recommendation is 24px margins. You can put tabs in here, and can also make the drawer scrollable.
