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Guide to the Secure Configuration of Red Hat Virtualization 4

Rules, Groups, and Values defined within the XCCDF Benchmark

  • Size remaining in disk space before prompting space_left_action

    The setting for space_left (MB) in /etc/audit/auditd.conf
  • Action for auditd to take when disk space just starts to run low

    The setting for space_left_action in /etc/audit/auditd.conf
  • Configure audispd's Plugin disk_full_action When Disk Is Full

    Configure the action the operating system takes if the disk the audit records are written to becomes full. Edit the file <code>/etc/audit/audisp-remote.conf</code>. Add or modify the following line...
    Rule Medium Severity
  • Encrypt Audit Records Sent With audispd Plugin

    Configure the operating system to encrypt the transfer of off-loaded audit records onto a different system or media from the system being audited. Set the <code>transport</code> option in <pre>/et...
    Rule Medium Severity
  • Configure audispd's Plugin network_failure_action On Network Failure

    Configure the action the operating system takes if there is an error sending audit records to a remote system. Edit the file <code>/etc/audit/audisp-remote.conf</code>. Add or modify the following ...
    Rule Medium Severity

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